Chapter Twelve


   "What?" Bullet asked after we told him what Agent T had told us. "Bailey and Zita are being hunted down by some fucker because of something her husband did that caused him to be killed."

  "Yes sir," Jonas said and I glared at the file I was reading over again before jerking my head up when Bullet slammed the conference room doors open.

  "BAILEY MARIA COLLEEN WOLF," he yelled and I peered over his shoulder to see Bailey jerk her head in this direction and she paled before slowing getting up and walking in here.

  "Yes," she said slowly and I noticed how tense she was.

  "Is there something you want to tell me?" Bullet said.

  "No, not really," she said with a hard tone. "But I have a feeling you know something I didn't want you to find out."


  "What did you tell him?" she asked turning to glare at her two friends and they both paled slightly.

  "The truth," Jonas said after a minute. "That Justine stole a file that ended up getting him killed and now his killer is after you and Zita."

  "Something that you should have told me to begin with," Bullet glared. "Is this the reason why you moved back here? Why you never come by here anymore?"

  "Yes and no," Bailey sighed. "I moved home because I missed everyone and wanted to be close to my family. I don't come around as much us because I knew someone would realize I was hiding something."

  "They can help," Jonas said and Bailey glared at the kid and he paled before hiding behind Kalum. "Also it was Kal's idea."

  "I told you to tell them or I would."

  "Whatever," Bailey muttered before exiting the room and I sighed giving Knockout the file and running after her.

  "Bailey hold up," I yelled running towards her truck where she buckling Zita in.

  "What," she snapped closing the truck door. "Are you going to yell at me too? Because I didn't say anything?"

  "No," I said calmly. "Let me take the two of you somewhere."

  "What?" she asked confused. 

  "I want to show you something," I said grabbing her keys and opening the passenger seat door. "Trust me. Please."

  "Fine," she grumbled climbing into the truck and I quickly jogged to the driver's seat and pulled away from the compound heading in the direction of the one place I knew she hadn't been to since coming back to town.
