Episode 10


In an office in a large building on Coruscant overlooked the busy streets of speeders zooming by and an imperial security bureau agent stood behind the desk and stared out. The door buzzed to let him know someone was there.

"Let them in." The officer turns.

The door opens and a man wearing modified white mandalorian armor with the imperial insignia shoulder walks in. The Agent turns around and brushes off his white uniform and black pants and grabs his chair and pulls it back. He motions to the seat across from him.

"Sit. Sit." The Agent tells the mandalorian as he sits down.

The mandalorian sits down across from him and looks up at him.

"Why did you call me here?" The mandalorian asks.

"We have reports of a rebel cell rising on or around Utapau." The Agent says.

"Then go do something about it." The mandalorian says.

"It's not important enough to waste troops. 1 man should be enough. You." The Agent says.

"Why me?" The mandalorian asks.

"You're one of Gar Saxon's best. We just need you to put this rebellion to an end. Assassinate their leaders. Snuff this spark out before it becomes a flame you're trying to suffocate." The Agent says.

"Yes sir." The mandalorian says and stands up.

He walks out of the office and the Agent follows him out with his eyes.

A small mandalorian fighter emerges from hyperspace above Utapau. It lands in the plains and the mandalorian climbs out with his scoped WESTAR 35 carbine in hand and he hops down. He looks around as a group of Amani villagers stare at him. He fires 2 bolts into the air and they start scurrying off.

"Disgusting primitives." He says and shakes his head as he starts walking.

He walks into view of Pau City and stands on the edge of the hole and activates his jetpack and glides down to a a ridge overlooking the spaceport and the base that was being constructed. He kneels down and takes aim through his rifle. He zooms in on the command center and looks through the window. A man stood at the holotable as reprogrammed Battle Droids and Pau'an and Utai officers walked around. The doors open and the man at the holotable turns around. The mandalorian raises his antenna and listens around.

"Good evening, General." Bat says looking up from the holotable and turning toward the Pau'an general walking into the command center.

"Good evening, General Spacespawn." The Pau'an says.

"2 generals." The mandalorian says as he zooms in.

He takes aim at the Pau'an wearing the officer's uniform as he stands across from Bat at the holotable.

"What're you looking at?" The Pau'an general asks Bat.

"I was looking for small imperial installations for us to attack. Possibly get more weapons, supplies, ships." Bat tells him.

"Have you found anything?" The general asks.

"We I found 2 small imperial listening posts on Vassek and Maridun and another spaceport controlled by the imperials on Garel. They often come under attack and if we can track the shipments we could time our attacks." Bat tells him.

"Anything about ships?" The general asks.

"There's a rather large station above Lotho Minor called Starsmash station where they melt down all kinds of old ships for parts and where they send troops fresh out of training. They've got a old Republic hardware they're still melting down to be replaced." Bat says.

"That could be just the place we need to attack. Even just to salvage parts for the republic hardware we have. We're missing some important parts for the gunships and tanks we've been putting together." The general says.

Bat nods and he turns off the holotable. He looks up and looks out the window strangely as he sees a strange glint and a yellow streak.

"General!" Bat yells and reaches out.

The General starts to turn as the window shatters and he's skewered through the back and he gasps as he slowly slides down the side of the holotable and hits the ground. The blaster bolt flies out of his chest before he falls and Bat dodges it as it hits the wall.

"What the-" an officer yells and looks up.

Battle droids and other Pau'ans and Utai surround the General as a medical droid and officer walk in and Bat looks down.

"Stay here!" He yells.

"Where are you going?" One asks.

"After him!" Bat yells and grabs his helmet from the holotable and slams it on his head.

He runs toward the window and dives through the broken glass and falls down the gorge. He lands on the back of a Dactillion.

"Huh?" The rider asks turning toward him and Bat nods.

"Go up!" Bat yells and the rider steers the Dactillion up toward the ridge where the Mandalorian assassin was.

He takes aim at the Dactillion and at Bat. He fires 2 shots and they hit the Dactillion and it screeches and starts to fall. Bat grabs the rider and leaps off of him and lands on the ridge. They roll and the Dactillion splashes down into the water below. Bat looks up at the Mandalorian and he looks back at Bat. The mandalorian turns and starts running. He jumps off of the ridge and takes off on his jet pack. Bat leaps after him and grabs his legs and starts pulling him down. The mandalorian looks at him and fires a few shots at him but misses. They fly out of the hole as Bat finally drags him down and they hit the ground in the plains and they roll. Bat hops up as the mandalorian hops up.

"Who are you?" Bat asks.

"Who are you, clone?" The mandalorian asks and takes aim at him.

He fires and Bat dodges and runs at him. He kicks the blaster out of his hand and kicks him in the chest. He flies back and hits a rock. His jetpack Sparks and he throws it off. He raises his fists and Bat swings at him. He blocks and kicks Bat in the knee. Bat head butts him in the face and he stumbles back. Bat knees him in the stomach and punches him in the face 3 times before he grabs his arm and flips him over his shoulder. He hits the ground and Bat swings down at him and punches him in the face while he's on the ground. He hops up and kicks Bat in the face, knocking his helmet off. Bat stares at him and he stares back.

"You disrespect my family name, clone." The mandalorian.

"You're a Spacespawn?" Bat asks.

"Yes." He tells Bat.

"That's sad. It looks like you disrespect it." Bat says.

"I was born with this name, you merely adopted it." The mandalorian says.

"My mandalorian trainer, Xoscax bestowed the name Chodo Spacespawn to me. He said I was as great a warrior as he was." Bat says.

"Xoscax?" The mandalorian asks.

"Yes." Bat says.

"He was my father." The mandalorian says.

"He was a good man." Bat says.

"He was weak and foolish, sacrificing himself to save the lives of clones." The mandalorian says.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. And I'm sorry for what I'm going to do to you." Bat says.

"Me too." The mandalorian says.

The 2 run at each other and the mandalorian swings at Bat who ducks and punches the mandalorian in the chest 4 times before kicking him in the knee then in the chest and face. He stumbles back and Bat spins and kicks him in the head and he falls back. Bat grabs the dropped Westar 35 and aims at the mandalorian while he was on the ground.

"Leave now and don't come back." Bat tells him.

He looks up at Bat and glares.

"Fine." The mandalorian says and stands up.

Bat walks over to him and hands him his blaster and he snatches it from his hand. Bat pats him on the back, placing a small black ball in the middle of his upper back.

"I hope I never see you again." Bat says.

"Don't worry. You won't. But you will die. I'll make sure of that." The mandalorian says.

"Of course." Bat says and watches as the mandalorian walks off through the plains toward his ship

He climbs in and lifts off as Bat walks back into base where Ian was talking to Fernanda and Mute.

"Bat!" Ian yells and looks at him.

Fernanda runs over and hugs him.

"Hi. I'm alright." Bat says and hugs her.

"What happened?" Mute asks and looks at him.

"Ok first off, can I just tell you that your face is still really fucked up and that actually scares the shit outta me." Bat says.

"Thanks." Mute says rolling his eyes.

"So what happened? Where's the assassin?" Ian asks.

"I let him go." Bat says.

"Let him go? Why?" Fernanda asks.

"Don't worry. I hid an explosive on him for when he goes back to whoever sent him." Bat says.

"That's my brother." Ian says smiling under his helmet and punching Bat in the arm.

"How's the General?" Bat asks.

"He...." Fernanda starts looking down.

"He didn't make it..." Wesley says walking over.

Bat scowls.

"They did everything they could. He was killed immediately..." Wesley tells him.

"What does that mean for Bat Squadron?" Bat asks.

"That means that you're in charge." Fernanda says looking at him.

The mandalorian fighter lands on the landing pad outside of the office on Coruscant and the Agent turns as the mandalorian walks in.

"Ah you made it back. Did you snuff out that spark?" The agent asks.

"I hit one of the targets. He was a Pau'an General. The other was a clone...." the mandalorian starts.

"What about him?" The agent asks.

"He went by the name Chodo Spacespawn." The mandalorian says.

"Interesting..." the Agent says.

"Me and him fought. He beat me so I agreed to leave....but I did kill the other." The mandalorian says.

"I see..." the Agent says as he turns and faces the window.

A loud beeping starts echoing through the room and he raises his eyebrows.

"What's that?" He asks.

"I-I don't know..." the mandalorian says looking around and turns around.

The Agent looks at him as he had his back to him and his eyes widen. He sees the small bomb with a blinking red light attached to the mandalorian's back and gasps.

"Bomb!" He yells and points to the Mandalorian's back.

"What!?" He mandalrorian asks as the beeping becomes louder and more rapid.

The Agent runs toward the window as the mandalorian screams and a massive explosion rips the room apart.

"Aghhh!" He agent yells as he's forced out of the window by the explosion and he flies through the glass.

He screams as he tumbles through the sky. His back was burned by the explosion and his uniform was all blackened and burnt. His back was exposed and covered by third degree burns. He falls through the sky and falls into the back of an airspeeder and the Abednedo looks back at him and screams.
