

(I woke up a few minutes ago, Roaming around the heights for some fresh air. It was pretty early actually... 5 AM I guess? I found no one outside, so they're all probably sleeping in their tents. Inhaling and closing my eyes while spreading my arms, feeling the vibe on this high altitude. It just feels amazing, you know I am so happy today. I feel light. No burden, no holding backs, no regrets, nothing at all. just me and my life.)

(Thinking about yesterday immediately puts a smile on my lips. The way he carried me until the camps, Not to mention, I was awake. Might have fallen asleep after he placed me back inside. It was so damn cold, continuously rubbing my palms to keep myself warm as my breath exhaled looked like foggy clouds. )

(I was just wandering around, It's actually my birthday. No one knows, but if Yoongi wishes, everyone will. I'm just debating whether I should wear the outfit I brought for my birthday today or just stick to my casual. Today we planned for sightseeing and Bungee jumping. Might be good.)

Taehyung POV

(So, we all went downhill early in the morning for some cake, and stuff. She was there near the cliff, freezing like an Olaf, covered in 180 layers of jackets and blankets. )

Jungkook: Is everything ready?? (He asked before we surprise her as she was standing a bit far from us facing the other direction)

Yoongi: It is!! He holds the cake! I have balloons! These dumbos have the party popper thingies! All set! (He said before cross-checking everything)

(We quietly went behind her as we were ready to chant)

Namjoon: So, In the count of three... 1.......2...........3!!!

All: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!!!!!!!! (We all cheered as she jumped out of her skin and turned to look at us with a terrified expression)

Y/N: HOLY GRAHAM BELLS!!! Bloody Idiots, Y'all scared the shit outta me! (She cursed holding her chest and breathing heavily)

Jungkook: Hehe Sorry!! (He looked away while scratching his nape)

Y/n: So you guys remember? Thank you so much... (She said as she smiled brightly)

Namjoon: Of course we did! We were planning for it since last night!

Yoongi: Here! Make a wish, It's your favorite Chocolate Cake!! (He said as she closed her eyes praying for something and looked at all of us once before smiling and blowing off the candles)


(We then went bungee jumping and sightseeing after the party!! It was really fun and we enjoyed it a lot..... It was one of the happiest days of my life. Everyone was so happy and It really made my day.  I just felt so complete. )

(Currently, It's 7 in the evening, We are near the lake, with a bonfire. We were all just having fun when the guys looked a bit suspicious. One of them was signaling the other into doing something. and the other was passing something secretly to the next one. Eye talks and whispers without me knowing. What's wrong with them?)

Namjoon: Y/N, There's something I wanna say. (He said breaking suspicious silence)

Y/N: Go on. (I let him continue as he took a deep breath and looked at everyone before starting something which looked like a serious matter.)

Namjoon: We all just wanna say this today on your birthday that- Thanks for everything, you know? Who in the world would have thought of us hanging out with our rivals or having more than 2 friends in our life or being comfortable around everyone. You made it happen-

Y/N: Guys wait, Listen, I did nothing. Literally Nothing. And you guys deserve an amazing graduation year and it happened. Not because of me. (I said knowing even though each and every one of them is a jerk and a complete crackhead, they are people who know how to express gratitude and seven of the kindest hearts I've ever seen.)

Y/N: Plus I already know everything you were gonna say Like Kook used the same lines the other night. (I said looking at Jungkook while he smiled at me)

Taehyung: What the hell did you use you brat? I wish I was there, I would have pushed you off the cliff.

Jungkook: Do you think I would be stargazing until you push me? I probably-

Yoongi: Shut The crap Up. And you jerk, start what you planned and what we taught you right now or 1)- she'll hate you, 2)- Jungkook is already one step ahead. (I don't get anything about the plan or their suspicious looks from before)

Taehyung: What no, I'm ahead- 

Y/N: If Y'all don't explain about the reference you're talking bout then- 

Taehyung: Okay Jae listen up ! I love you, Okay, and yes I know you love me too, hehe thanks. So let's date from today, Be my girlfriend, Ok right? Yeah, I know! I bet you are so happy. Dont blush too much. I know I'm handsome, stop staring.


 (He said it all in one go like Jin's rap while all of us were looking at him weirdly being completely shook.)

(I looked at the other guys and they had the same done/ weird expression. Yoongi and Kookie were looking at him in disbelief whereas Jin and Joon facepalmed themselves shaking their heads at his dumb confession)

(Whereas Taehyung was looking so damn proud of himself and waiting for a reply)

Y/N: Wait- What? So you bloody confessed to me? (I asked in utter confusion and disgust in my face, like he assumed my answer just like that, and feeling himself like he did an amazing job just gets me off.)

Taehyung: Yeah, OMG Jae look at your face like a tomato, Haha I am sure I can hear your heart beating rapidly even from where I sit, So I'll take that as a yes? (He asked looking so cheerful but I never had any of the descriptions he just said instead I was sitting there with an expressionless face and anger-raging in my inside.)

(Everyone just looked at him with a WTF look, Me being totally done in the way he confessed and the fact that he just looks so confident and proud of himself pisses me off even more)

(Imma kill this brat right now)

(I pointed my fingers signaling him to come near me with my eyes) 

( The guys looked at him with wide eyes telling him not to come and Taehyung just smirked with a smug expression)

Taehyung: Why? You wanna kiss me? (He asked with a pout getting ready to come near me)

(Seriously what the hell does he think of himself huh?... Do I look so desperate for him, Let me show!)

Y/N: Oh kiss? You Come here for a second no...? (I spoke back sarcastically giving a sly smile while the guys still had their eyes wide open)

Jk: Dont-

Yoongi: Bish run! Take a cab, reach home, lock yourself in a room, and dont come out unless we tell you to.

Hoseok: What the hell have you got yourself into huh? 

Namjoon: Dude we were just talking and you expressed yourself like a train using one of the worst ways to do it. Forgetting the plan and what we taught you?

Jimin: Y/N actually he's a small kid, he doesn't know anything okay. Yeah right, Innocent boy! We taught him but seems like due to pressure he did it like that, not his mistake.

Jin: Yeah, He will do it better now. Taehyung, apologize and try again. (Everyone defending him and signaling him to do it in a different way but that brat stood there clueless.)

Taehyung: What is your problem all of you? Won't you let a young couple enjoy their time alone? Take a cab, Try again, - What nonsense! She's calling me in for a kiss. If you don't mind give us our privacy and get your single a$$es back to your tent. (He blurted at them before winking at me)

(Then they all gave up after this and looked at him with a 'you deserve it' look and got up to leave.)

Jungkook: Punch him twice from my side hun. (He whispered in my ears before he left the place along with the rest leaving us both)

(Taehyung then scooted himself closer to me looking at me with a flirty smile)

Taehyung: You shouldn't ask for a kiss in front of everyone you know? Now since they are gone I'll fulfill your wish. (He then started leaning in while closing his eyes and puckering his lips)

Taehyung: ARGHHH!

 (He groaned loudly falling to the ground as I gave a powerful kick on his balls)

Taehyung: Owww Jae, What the hell was that? I was only trying to be romantic, You were the one who asked for my kiss!! (He said while still hissing in the ground making me go even more insane)

(I didn't hesitate and quickly sat on top of him punching his face)

Y/N: You f**ckin a$$h*le!! Did I, first of all, say yes to your confession? Huh, Answer you dumbhead! (I said holding his collar and throwing punches randomly while he was blocking me and trying to me push me away and begging to stop)

Taehyung: But I know you like me. Then why waste time? (He said with a mad-innocent face) (Ill bury him before my birthday ends)

Y/N: So, Dont you have respect for a girl's decision? Did you see how Yoongi confessed to Sana right? Did you think he didn't know her answer?  It was so damn beautiful and it also got your sister in tears. And Kook's confession? It was so magical like I - (ᴱˣᵗʳᵉᵐᵉ ᶜʳⁱⁿᵍᵉ ʷᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍ !!!!⁻ ᴬᵗˡᵉᵃˢᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ )

(He suddenly cut me off and caught my wrist from punching him and turned me around, Now he was on top of me while holding my hands above my head, He looked damn serious. Oof- His gaze was so intimidating I couldn't look as I quickly looked away while trying to get away from his grip.)

Taehyung: Dont you dare compare me with anyone okay? If my confession was not better than the rest, then let me make it memorable hmm? (He said with a smirk plastered on his angelic face leaning down until his face was inches apart from mine as I was continuously trying to process the position I am in right now.)

(He noticed my nervous expression as he let out an airy chuckle which I found damn hot for some reason)

(He leaned even more brushing his lips against mine making my heart stop beating. he continued as he traced his lips through my cheekbones and stopped when it reached my ears)

Taehyung: This will be the best confession you'll ever receive babe! (He whispered seductively in my ears and yes- not shivers but electricity ran not only through my spine but my entire body as I felt my poor heart dying and my mind losing its control and- argh)

(He bit my earlobe enough to make all the blood in my body rise to my cheeks before he moved away from my ears looking at me straight in my eyes before saying)

Taehyung: I love you, Jae! (He confessed and before I could reply I felt his soft pair of lips on mine, I was shocked for just a few seconds but immediately gave in kissing him back)

(I felt him smiling through the kiss as he slowly let go of my hands from above my head and he placed his one hand on my waist and the other cupped my cheek. I put my hands around his neck pulling him closer deepening the kiss. It was passionate and filled with love and longing for each other. None of us wanted to end this moment as we continued making out for a while)

( We pulled out after few minutes due to lack of oxygen. Sitting back up, he lifted me by my waist placing me on his lap making me blush at his cute actions. Looking into each other's eyes deeply, He pecked my cheek before connecting his forehead with mine.)

Taehyung: How was this confession hmm? Can Yoongi or Jungkook confess better than this? (He asked with a smirk looking at my flustered-self teasingly while his hand was caressing my hair)

Y/N: Argh whatever, Now let me go. (I said as I would burst if I'm in the same position for five more minutes)

Taehyung: You still didn't answer my confession babe!

Y/N: BRUH- I kissed you back what else would be my answer huh? 

Taehyung: You know I cant decide your answer just like that, I should respect a girl's decision. (He said smirking clearly referring to the lines I said before to tease me) 

Y/N: Dont even get me started on you bloody brat- (I said as I pulled his hair and he started laughing.)

(He looked so damn cute while giggling with that boxy smile of his, which I couldn't resist, I pulled him by his neck and smashed my lips back on his to which he immediately reacted and kissed me back, his hands snaked around my waist, We were both smiling and giggling, basically having a romantic time when-)

Yoongi: If you unholy bishes don't stop eating each other's faces right now then-


I'm Probably still cringing from what I just wrote, I couldn't even complete writing a sentence without cringing, my friends probably know!! I won't ask if you enjoyed it cuz this chapter was undeniably just eww- LMAO I'm sorry.

Deep down somewhere I hope yall enjoyed this long-ass (2300 words) chapter, Dont worry me is single as well, Single or committed, just enjoy life, and now if you don't mind Excuse me, Imma go and polish that star next to my name. You could help me with this too. It's right around the corner.

💜💜💜lubb youuu!!! 💜💜💜💜
