

Ring. Ring. The sound of Quincy's phone ringing from the bedside table woke him up from his sleep in the middle of the night. He groaned, looking over at his alarm clock as he reached for the phone. It was only ten-fifty three.

Quincy didn't bother checking the name on the screen as he answered her blindly and put it to his ear. "Uh, hello?" His voice was raspy since he'd just woken up, so he cleared his throat a little.

"Quincy?" The sound of Melody's voice rang through his ear and he kinda froze, sitting up right.

"Mel? Why are you calling this late at night?" Quincy rubbed his free hand over his face, licking his slightly chapped lips.

Melody sighed. She wanted so badly to do better now that she's realized she missing out on her baby growing up. She hadn't noticed she missed three of her child's birthdays already. "I wanna see you and Olivia." She told him after a while, chewing on her nails.

Quincy huffed. "I mean, you couldn't have called tomorrow?"

"Quincy. I'm trying so hard to get over my addiction, okay? I've been trying the past couple months and it's hard, but I'm getting there. I wanna be clean. I wanna be able to take my daughter places without you worrying I'll get high and leave her somewhere," Melody suddenly ranted, tears breaking her eyes. "I'm trying. I really am." Her voice cracked at the end.

Quincy's heart clenched. How can he still have feeling for this woman?

He bit his lip. "Alrighty Mel. Well come visit you tomorrow."

Melody let out a sigh of relief as a smile slowly grew on her tired face. "Tell Olivia I love her. Goodnight Quincy, and I love you too."

Quincy 's eyes wonder slightly. "I-I," he swallowed. He did still love her, he couldn't hide that. "I love you too, Melody. Night."

And with that he hung up the phone and laid back down in his bed, staring up at the ceiling with his arms crossed behind his head.


Early in the morning, Quincy wake tiredly. He's barely gotten any sleep the day before because if Melody and her request, and the fact that she actually said "I love you" first. She hasn't done that in three years.

Quincy sighed, shuffling out of bed and groggily going into the bathroom to shower before he decided to wake Olivia up to get her cleaned up and ready.

It was currently nine-thirty six in the morning, which meant he had plenty of time before he went to visit his baby mama.

After his shower, he grabbed his phone and called his best friend, Ned.

"Hello?" It sounded as if Ned had just woken up. Quincy laughed.

"Guess what happened last night," Quincy grabbed a shirt as he put Ned on speaker phone.

"You finally got laid?" Ned chuckled to himself.

Quincy rolled his eyes beside the fact Ned couldn't see him. "Hell no. Melody called."

Ned raised his eyebrows, holding the phone up to his ear closer as he grabbed some bacon off his breakfast plate. "For real?" Ned asked taking a sip of orange juice.

Quincy went to check up on Olivia, seeing as she was still asleep. He was gonna leave to visit Melody at twelve-thirty so he decided to let Olivia get another forty minutes to sleep before he woke her up to get her ready.

"Yeah. She woke me up in the middle of the night, asking if I'd bring Olivia. Oh and get this..." Quincy licked his lips quickly before continuing, "she said she loved me. First."

"My god, is the world ending already?" Ned joked, fake choking on his bacon. He knew that deep down, Melody still loved Quincy, she just didn't want to face the facts. She let herself believe she didn't have feelings for him anymore. Everyone knew except Quincy.

"I dunno man....I think I've caught feelings for China, but still have...something for Melody." Quincy cracked Olivia's door. Making his way down the hallway he went into the kitchen.

"The LUV triangle."

"Shut up."


Story's coming together guys. I'm feeling it again so I'm pretty excited about the events that will take place.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's important but also a filler at most, the next chapter shall be a little bit more eventful and interesting 💕

Much love guys!

