Halo part 1

//OK everone i'll be adding 1 new girl each five chapters of the story with a list of the girls that are currently in the story, so if you don't know who's here in the reaction room just look at the top of the story.//

//Let me know of the character you goes want added to this story i might add them later in the story.//

Crimson Axis girls: Bismarck, Z21, Z2, Kaga, U-556, Prinz eugen, Ayanami, Akagi

Azur lane girls: Belfast, Laffey, Unicorn, Javelin, Hornet, Enterprise, Prince of wales, illustrious



Hey - talking
'Hey' - thought
Hey - viewing
Hey - information

POV 3rd person
Location: reaction room
Time: 03:00pm

After 30 minutes of all the girls getting comfortable and getting into their little groups, many of them had made use of the kitchen due to all the food set out on the table in front of the TV and all the little ones wrapped in blankets together.

The screen turns back on after they all get settled, with a loading bar appearing on screen but disappearing in the next few seconds.


Then a quote appears

"we are but one ship, and an old one at that, but here we are... Thirty years past what anyone could ask of us."

-Captain James Cutter, of the spirit of fire

"That's a wonderful quote, but I have a feeling that it was something more than a quote there." Wales says as she looks at the screen, with everyone else nodding their heads in agreement.

"I agree with you there, Wales; it does feel like something more." Bismarck says this while looking at Wales from the corner of her eye.

"Why thank you for agreeing with me, Bismarck?" Wales said with a strained smile that Bismarck also shared with Wales While everyone looked between the two as if they were going to fight, both of them turned their heads back to the TV, and everyone else also did as the video portrayed itself.

'After the interplanetary war ended in 2170, the population boom that followed and increasing signs of famine threatened great upheaval in the solar system. However the Innovation the shaw-fujikawa translate engine led to a rapid Interstellar colonization known as the Domus Diaspora. One of the many colony ship designs bound for new worlds was the Phoenix Class.'

"Space?.....Colonization?...Thats amazing! Think of all the abundant resources there; if we had the technology, we could have gathered so much to build more ships to beat back the sirens." Illustrious says they are excited at the thought of all those resources that could be useful for them. Everybody else looks at Illustrious in surprise and shock at her loud outburst and wonders how she should have such excitement.

"Well, Miss Illustrious is right about the resources we could have if we had that tech, because Kage and Akagi keep stealing a lot of Crimson Aix's resources!" U-556 says with joy as she cuddles into the other young girls on the floor with her and thinks about all the wonderful upgrades she could get.

All the older women look at the mentioned carriers for an answer, as Kage looks away in shame while Akagi looks at U-556 in anger. Hornet coughs into her hands, snapping all the older women out of their anger-filled stares at each other.

"Well, I know one thing: Phoenix would love to know that there is a class of ship that shares her name with them." Belfast says as she sips a wonderful cup of tea that's in her hands.

'An enormous vessel built for the transportation and support of colonists, terraforming equipment, and pre-fabricated buildings. Even the ship itself could be cannibalized for parts once basic infrastructure was completed'

"So kind of like Vestal, then, since she is a support ship?" She asks Hornet as she looks to everyone else for agreement, and many who have met Vestal nod in agreement because she may be a support ship. She scared many of them with how evil she could be just to repair them, especially Enterprise.

"So does that mean this Miss Vestal is bigger in everything than Miss Bismarck?" Laffey asks in a tired but curious tone of voice. Many of the women there remembered a phase Laffey went through of her using many girls who were gifted in the chest and thighs as her beds to sleep on.

"I don't think I have an answer to that, little destroyer". Bismarck says as she pets Laffey's head. She seemingly goes back to sleep with U-556 pouting next to Laffey, forcing Bismarck to pet her head as well.

'Long after the peak of the colonial era, at least one of these craft, the UNSC Spirit of Fire, was refit with armor and weaponry and re-designated as a support vessel. At 2.5 kilometers in length, the Phoenix-Class dwarfed many of its military contemporaries and even included a tram system for the crew. As a transport ship, much of this size was due to the cavernous Cargo Hold in the core of the vessel, flanked by eight transfer bays for the loading and offloading of various dropships'

"HOLY SHIT, SHE'S FUCKING HUGE!".U-556 yelled at everyone except for the young girl, who had their jaws on the floor from seeing just how huge the Phoenix class really is.

"My god, I thought she would be the same size as FDG, but I see that I was wrong in that guess." Says a shocked-to-the core Bismarck that is shaking in shock, like every other girl there.

"I... Is she really a support vessel and not a battleship?". Asks a shocked and scared Javelin as she shakes in fear at the supposed support ship.

///FYI the H-class of ships that FDG is apart of were only 277.8 meters in length and the phoenix-class were 2.5 km in length///

They all felt dread at the size of this support ship because they believed she was going to be the same size as Vestal, but to find out that a support ship could be this massive scared them.

'on the underside of the angled wing-like structure were docking clamps for ten D20 herons, much larger heavy lift dropships, built to carry and deploy prefabricate buildings'

"Wait, so it can carry deployable bases wherever it goes?" asks Z2 as she sees the D20's deploy from the spirit of fire, with a look of awe on her face.

"Yes, It does look like that Z2," Enterprise comments as well, wondering if they would be able to do that one day.

"What do you think of it, Belfast?" Wales asks Belfast as she looks at her with a face of intrigue.

"Well, Miss Wales, I think it is the most advanced ship we have ever seen, right, Miss Eugen?" Belfast answered as she looked at Eugen.

"I do agree with you, Belfast, I guess humanity's technology can be more advanced than the sirens". Eugen says this with an honest tone in her voice.

'within the lower part of the ship was a series of robotic assembly lines. During the colonial era, Elise produced the equipment and structures needed on the planet's surface while the militarized version was loaded with the templates for almost any UNSC vehicle or prefab structure. However these assembly lines were not sophisticated enough to rebuild complex components such as full-size slipe space engine reactors'

"Wow thats like having a moving shipyard as a ship intsead of a normal shipyard." Unicorn says in surprised tone of voice.

"Indeed it is Unicorn." Illutrious replies to her.

'The dorsal hump of the vessel contains the crew's recreation block, aaeroponices farm, and one of the ships power cores with the bridge standing proud at the head of the ship. In the very lowest part of the craft was a observation deck originally intended for Colonial survey work. Aboared the spirit of fire, this place was taken over by professor Ellen Anders for use as a workshop and a Laboratory'

"What does this ship not have cause it seems for a former colony ship. She's pretty much a power house against any of us and the sirens!!!". Yells a pretty angry Eugen as she hears that a colony ship is better then her.

Eveyone looks at Eugen with a face of understanding as it seems they would get their ass kicked in by the spirit of fire.

'Due to this, the armaments was primarily used for pinpoint strikes in support of forces on the ground with the ship avoiding direct combat if possible. The craft also supported other UNSC ships in space and with the smart AI coordinating, a single phoenix could repair or refit up to a dozen different ships'

"Oh my she is a super version of any repair vessel" Wales says with a look of shock at what just one massive support ship can do.

(Oh god please tell me there is no refit to turn vestal into that!!!) Enterprise thought with the image of a super vestal

Many of the girls of looks of awe on their face at the thought of such a powerful repair ship

'Captain James Cutter commanded the refit spirit of fire throught the harvest campaign to retake the planet from the covenant as well as pursuing them to arcadia, one of the outer colonies.'

"You know Azur Lane might have never split apart if this captain was the commander of all of us." Says Wales and Bismarck at the same time causing everyone to look at them in surprise

Few of the older girls there nodded their heads in a agreement because this captain sounds like a strong leader willing to make the hard choices.

"I wounder what this captain looks like~". Says Eugen as she lick her lips seductively with all the older girls look at her with small bluches. While the young ones are confused.

'Once there, professor Ellen Anders was kidnapped and taken off world. The crew of the spirit of fire gave chase, arriving at what turned out to be a flood-infeated four-runner shield world called Etran's Harborage. Concealed withen the planet was a fleet of inactive sojourn class forerunner dreadnoughts. The crew managed to rescue professor Anders and stopped the covenant gaining control of the fleet by detonating the slipspace drive reactor of the spirit of fire inside the artificial sun at the heart of the shield world.'

"THEY BLOW UP THE THING THAT MAKES THE SHIP MOVE FAST!!!!". Yells out a shocked and scared Unicorn at the thought of these people never making it home.

All the other shipgirls sat there in silence at the thought of never coming home again to see their friends again.

'After barely escaping the explosion, they drifted for 28 years before being unexpectedly drawn through a slipspace portal to installation 0-0, the extra galactic forerunner Megastructure that constructed the halo rings.

"WAIT A MINUTE DID IT JUST SAY E-EXTRA G-GALACTIC MEGASTRUCTURE ?!?!?!". Yells out a surpised Z21 as she and all the other shipgirls look at the images of the ARK in all its glory.

Preset instructions from the ship's AI Serena, from before her self termination, awoke the crew from their cryopods.

"Oh my they lost a member of their crew" spoke belfast as she covers her mouth at the thought of losing a member of her crew with all the older girls feel the same as belfast with the younget ones having tears in their eyes.

After picking up an encrypted UNSC singal, they headed to the surface. Once there, they found both Isabel,a logistics AI, and Atriox, the leader of the mercenary organization known as the 'banished'.

"So they found a new enemy while on that structure, that they had to fight?". Enterprise said out loud while sighing internal that the crew of the spirit does not get any rest.

"I'm afraid so Enterprise, looks like the crew of the spirit can never get any rest from Battles". Kaga says in a tone of sadness at the thought of the crew of spirit having now time to get any real rest from war and battles.

"this led to conflict across the surface of installation 0-0 as the spirit of fire's marines contingent battled with the banished, greatly disrupting their operations.

"those marines sound like their the bravest people to continue fighting, even when their out numbered". Z21 says as she and the younger girls watch in awe as they see small video clips of the marines fighting.

The older girls just look at the videos of the marines as they fight with more Fury then they ever seen in their lives.

"After the death of Atriox's second-in-command, he moved to use his assault carrier the 'enduring conviction' to destroy the spirit of fire".

Everyone gulped at the thought of facing this massive ship that look even bigger the the spirit.

"As the 86 year old phoenix-class would be hopelessly outgunned in such a battle".

"You know for an 86 year old lady she looks pretty good for her age". Hornet says as she tries to lighten the mood with it working on the younger girls the most.

"I guess your right on her still looking good there hornet". Says Eugen as she chuckles at the attempt to lighten the mood. While the rest of the older ones just shake their head at the humor of Eugen and Hornet.

"Isabel and the spartan, Jerome 092, infiltrated the carrier and gained control of its energy projector. She fired the weapon on the banished camp on the surface of the installation, triggering its cohort of sentinals to retaliate by decapitating the ship".

All the girls went siren pale white at the thought of their ship being decapitated, with each of them feeling around their necks at the thought of it. While all the younger ones have tears in their eyes.

"After that professor Anders continued with her plan to use a freshly built halo ring as an elaborate distress Beacon".

"That is a very smart plan of this Anders women using that freshly made ring as a distress beacon". Bismarck says at the thought of using a siren made transmitter to send out a dritress beacon. With mant of the older ones nodding in agreement.

"Leaving captain Cutter and the spirit of fire to contend with Atriox and the remainders of the banished".

"I must say the spirit's and her captain, and crew are made of better material then we are cause we would surely break under that kind of pressure". Says Wales with a look of awe at the image of the spirit looking over the battlefield.

"Indeed Wales but i the powerful Akagi would never lose to such Savages such as the banished". Akagi says with a pridful smirk while everyone else just looks at her with annoyed looks.

"The venerable phoenix-class carried humanity to the stars and its versatile design continued to prove its utility as a support craft when war threatens the very colonies that it had helped to create".

"Just like a mom who's very over protective of their children at anyone who threatens their little ones!!!". Says an very happy javelin as she and the young ones thought of a women bigger then FDG with a more genuine motherly aura. With many of the older ones just chuckling at the small ones.
