Chapter 6: A Bond Like No Other

January 15th 1971

It's Saturday afternoon and I'm in the library with Mateo doing our Transfiguration homework. Trixie is meeting me here in half an hour, Cissy is on a date with Lucius and Andromeda is supposedly doing prefect duties with Ted. I'm worried that their relationship is more than fellow prefects. I look out the library door to see them walking past. Hand in hand. What would our parents say? They would ban her from seeing him or even worse burn her off the family tree. I can't let that happen to her. I'll talk to Cissy and Bella about it later. Maybe they can talk some sense into her.

Right now I need to finish this homework. I look up to see Mateo staring at me smiling "what?" I giggle. He just smiles and says "nothing. I was just admiring how beautiful you are." I feel a blush creep up on my face "thank you." I see a copy of The Daily Profit sitting on the end of the table with the blaring title. Mysterious Disappearances Responsibility Claimed For By A Group Called Death Eaters. Mateo can see my face "don't worry. No matter what happens we will always be together. No matter what happens I will always put you first." I hug him and we just sit there as he holds me for what feels like hours but in reality is only twenty minuets.

I see Bella and Rodolphus walking over. She smiles at us and Mateo lets me go "I have to go deliver a letter to the owlery. See you later." He kisses me on the cheek and leaves. "So sweet the two of you are. I think I hear wedding bells, what do you think Rodolphus?" He smirks and says "of course." I laugh and say "I thought you two were saving all of your matchmaking for Andy and Cissy." They laugh and sit down. I look at them and say "I need to know. What's actually happening with this Dark Lord. Andy won't tell me anything and every time I talk to Cissy about it she ends up talking about Lucius." They look at each other and smile "first of all Cissy always ends up talking about Lucius and secondly, I'm so pleased you asked it's important that you know what incredible things he is doing."

She looks at me as Rodolphus speaks up "he's fighting for blood purity. Putting mudbloods and muggles in their place and not allowing them to join Hogwarts. He is doing what no one else dares to do." Okay, so he's trying to help our world so why are they writing him to be a murderer. "The disappearances in the Daily Profit were mudbloods and Muggles. Not real Witches and Wizards like us. Anyone who associates with them are blood traitors and those are the one burned off the family tree" Oh, okay. "So not worthy of magic. Got it." They smile and Bella says "that's my girl. Mother and Father will be so proud of you for both understanding this and your progress with Mateo." She stands up and says "let's head to dinner." I follow them but one thought is stuck in my head. What will happen to Andromeda if she continues her friendship with the Tonks boy?
