Fleur and Athene made up quickly, as they always did. Bill had made them leave it a week, and then they were allowed to travel to the Burrow. The remaining order members had begun to presume the worst for the three, Kingsley had already visited twice and Tonks had gone home after three days. Yet seven days, and nothing from any of them. Fleur told Athene that she secretly thought that Bill was over the top, but that she wouldn't interfere as it was his family that he was worrying for. 

Bill and Fleur Weasley, along with Athene Malfoy, apparated back to the Burrow on the ninth of August. Eight days after the wedding. They landed in the garden, all three of them landing on their feet and rushing to the door. Molly and Fred spotted them first, they ran out of the front door and the woman collapsed, crying, onto her eldest son. Fred grabbed onto Athene roughly and hugged her tightly, whispering, "where the fuck have you been," into her hair.

Arthur and Ginny stepped outside to see what Molly was crying about, Ginny ran to them whilst Arthur conjured his patronus, saying, "they're back. They're safe," before sending three of them running in different directions.

Tonks and Celine were the first to arrive. They floo'd and stepped out of the fireplace. Athene and Fleur rushed to them and all four women begun to cry. 

"I'm so sorry," Fleur was repeating over and over again to Tonks.

"Me too," Athene said into her cousins' hair as she clutched Celine's hand.

Tonks pulled away from the two women and wiped her eyes, "what're you sorry for?"

"For leaving you, Dora!" Fleur exclaimed. 

"Oh- Merlin- I wouldn't have left-"

"I thought you could be dead," Athene cried out, looking at the pink haired witch, "you ran from me the second that-" her shoulders were shaking harshly and Tonks embraced her into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, 'Thene. Auror instincts," she whispered.

"I know, it's okay." She murmured back.

Kingsley stepped into the Burrow and looked at the four women and nodded in their direction, not bothering to show any emotion or gladness that they were back safely. He sat at Molly's table with a serious expression on his face.

"We need to have a meeting, Molly."

Molly nodded and everyone, including Ginny, made their way to sit around the table.

"Go upstairs, Ginevra." Molly snapped. The girl sighed but obeyed her mother, feeling that she did not need to endure any more stress. Athene looked around and noticed an empty chair and her heart sank.

"Remus?" She whispered shakily to Tonks.

"He's fine, he's okay."

"Thank fuck."

Kinglsey cleared his throat and began to speak,

"So as we are aware-"

"Sorry I'm late," a voice said from the doorway. Athene's heart skipped at the sound of Remus and she smiled widely at him. He didn't look back at her once, it was as if she did not exist. Instead of paying the witch any attention, he took his seat beside Arthur and stared straight at Kingsley.

"Hello Remus," the man boomed. "As we are aware, Harry Potter has not been seen for a week and we must presume that he has formally begun his 'secret task' that Dumbledore gave him. Our main priority now, aside from our own safety and the safety of places such as Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade, is to track Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger." Molly sighed at the mention of their names' and Athene gave her a comforting smile. "Currently, we do not have any idea of their whereabouts, but memory charms and a destroyed coffee shop puts them in London on the evening of the attack. We have no idea if they are still there."

Athene raised her eyebrows, "London? What? Why would they-"

Kingsley was shaking his head, "we have no idea, Miss Malfoy. There is no logical explanation as to why they would be there."

"Perhaps they were trying to get into the ministry? Since they knew it had been infiltrated?" She suggested.

"They aren't that stupid," Remus said, still without looking at her.

"What the fuck is his problem?" Athene whispered to Tonks, the witch seemed to be equally as confused as her cousin about the man's behaviour,

"Merlin knows- all he's done all week is bloody mope over you. Now he's acting as if you don't exist."

"He's a dick," Athene scoffed quietly, which earned her a small smile from Fleur.

"I agree with Remus," Kingsley stated, "I do not believe that they could have got into the ministry unscathed." He looked directly at Athene, "Does anyone know anything more about the mission which Harry Potter believes that he must complete."

Everyone muttered no.

"Where did you go?" The man asked, looking at Bill, Fleur, and Athene. "Out of sheer curiosity."

Fleur smiled at Bill. "William got us a house, he only told me at the wedding. He took us there. It's in Cornwall." Kingsley raised an eyebrow, "it can be another safe house," she added.

"Very well," Kingsley said. "I'll see you in the next few days. We communicate via patronus now, owl's are too easy to be tracked."

The minute Kingsley had left and Molly had hugged her some more, Athene sprinted up the stairs into her room to find the letters that Harry had sent her mentioning horcruxes. After re reading them a couple of times to ensure that there wasn't anything pointing to where they may be, she set them on fire and watched as they burnt on the floor.

"What are you doing?"

Athene spun around to see Remus stood in her doorway. She scoffed at him, annoyed that he hadn't so much as spoken to her.

"Nothing." She said bluntly.

"Alright," he shrugged, walking off.

Athene's mouth dropped open.

"Remus," she snapped.

He came back into her doorway, looking bored. 

"What?" He asked sharply.

"Come here," she said angrily. He stepped into her room and Athene made the door slam behind him. His expressionless face didn't change.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She asked him.

"Don't know what you mean."

"Shut up, don't give me shit. What's the matter?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"You haven't seen me since a death eater attack. And you haven't so much as looked at me or asked if I'm okay."

"Well clearly you were okay."

"I'm sorry what?"


"Why are you being mean?" She spluttered.

He took a step towards her and looked furious, "what do you expect?" He hissed at her.

"What do you mean?" She cried out.

"You have been utterly selfish."


"Do you have any idea how fucking worried I have been?"

"No because you haven't bloody spoken to me!"

"Just like how you haven't for a week!"

"It wasn't safe to!" She shouted at him, "now you're being bloody selfish. The world doesn't revolve around you, Remus!"

"Sorry, me caring about you is me being selfish?"

"How would I have contacted you? Enlighten me?"


"Exactly, it wasn't bloody safe to!"

"You shouldn't have left at all," he said angrily. "That was selfish."


He took another step towards her so that their torso's were touching.

"Why would you leave?" He asked quietly.

"Fleur needed me!"

"What about other people who need you?" He said, his voice raising again.

"Again, Remus, not everything is about you!"

He slammed his hand against the wall behind her head. She didn't let herself flinch and continued to stare at him defiantly.

"I have spent a week thinking that you're dead," he said to her quietly. "Do you have any idea what that's like?"

"I've spent a week thinking that you could be too, Remus! It's not only you that worries."

"Well it's bloody felt like it,"

She shook her head, "I'm not going to let you make me feel bad about this. I went with my friend. I don't know what else I was meant to do."

"Stay," he said softly.

She laughed slightly, still shaking her head, and pushed him away from her roughly. She walked past him towards the door but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to face him. The two stared at each other for a few seconds. 

Athene's breathing was labored, she wasn't sure why.

"Remus-" Athene started to stay.

His lips crashed onto hers as he leant down to her. His right arm was snaked around her tightly whilst his other was tangled into her hair. Athene froze, unsure what to do, but as his lips warmed hers she melted into him and kissed him back desperately. 

Her hands were on either side of his face and she let him push her back into the wall in her room. He kissed her harder and she gasped slightly and returned it.

 When she didn't say anything when his hand moved beneath her jumper he stopped. 

"I'm sorry," he said almost silently, with his forehead pressed against hers. "I can't lose you..."

She smiled slightly and looked at him. His eyes were closed.

"I'm sorry too," she said. "For leaving."

"I just- I- I've lost so many people," he murmured.

"I know, it's okay. I'm sorry."

"Stay," he whispered.

She leant forward again and kissed him lightly, like she had done a few months before. He pushed himself onto her again, desperately and she smiled into his mouth, feeling finally at peace.

A/N its literally 2am i just had to stau up and write this let me know what u think its so short so im sorry about that!!!
