The Traitor pt. 1

Holana POV

"Artillery incoming!!" 2 minutes in this fight, and already the factions were getting slaughtered. This fight is one-sided. Despite everyone putting effort, the factions lost heart instantly. Though, I would do the same. Fight a army? Sure. Fight an army with superior technology and could turn you to Swiss cheese in 2 seconds? Didn't think so. I give credit to Songbird, he keeps them retaliating back. Juno wanted to play medic, so I was watching the battle from a distance. Now what little patience I had, was wearing thin. "I should be helping them! Why do I need to stay here?!" Juno looked up, and answered my question. "I told you already, you aren't ready. You need mo-" I slammed my hand onto the table. "Screw training! Fighting is first hand experience!" Juno sighed. "You are impatient aren't you? If you want, go get yourself killed." Sarcasm was in her voice, but I hardly notice. I was about to walk out on her, when I heard her say "Stop." I turned, impatiently tapping my foot. "You won't go unarmed." She handed me two blade pistols, with connections on the top. "They can attach on the top, making a small glaive, but try not to lose it. It's the only weapon that is rather rare." I slide both pistols in the empty pistol cases that I found. The radio crackles as it attunes to our signal. "Master Te... Corrupted... Need assistance... Anyone there?" In the far distance, plumes of smoke appeared. Earth was thrown around in random directions, boulders bouncing around like popcorn. Before Juno could say anything, I grabbed some scrolls (I guess they had something like Juno's power breaker) ammunition (I need something other than a fancy armory to defend me) and a pack with whatever goodies Juno had. "Holana, you are not-" I already left.

The battlefield was littered with weapons, clips, and blood. Soldiers face down on the ground, peppered with bullet holes, slashed limb from limb, or lying on the ground clutching wounds that had already lost too much blood. Whoever did this, had no soul what so ever. I continued to walk past everything, trying to ignore the soldiers that were begging me to take them back to camp. It was harder than it looks. Then I get to the source of the beacon. Soldiers were in uncomfortable positions, limbs twisted in ways they shouldn't be, some covered in earth, like the people in Pompeii. I see them in positions of mercy, begging for something that isn't possible with Corrupted. Give up, surrender, you can't win. Misery leeches. They don't know when to give up, do they? Misery leeches were the lowest of the low. Even their fellow Corrupted dislike them. They are weak, but can make you feel, well, misery. They are easy to dispel, though. Couple sparks here and there, and they run away like the sissies they are. The ground started to shake, and plumes of smoke rose as high as skyscrapers. I must be close. I felt the ground separating from underneath my feet. I jump out of the way, barely avoiding the fissures that formed seconds later. Too close. The earth then covered the fissures, as if it never happened. Who is doing this? I walked away from the patch of earth slowly. A few minutes later, spikes tried to impale me repeatedly. What is going on here? I continued walking, carefully avoiding any suspicious patches of earth and rock. "Truth?" That perked me up real fast. "Or lies?" I look and see two people, a guy and a girl, both wearing old timely clothes. Like... a different century clothes. "Which is your perspective?" "And which do you believe is false?" The girl had a messy bun on top of her head, along with a necklace. The guy had windswept hair and a pocket watch in his pocket. "Uh..." "Well?" the girl tilted her head. "Which is it?" Half of me is saying Torch the asses! while the other half of me is let's wait. They might have some importance. "Who are you two!?" The man looked at me. "The better question is who's side are you on?" "Ray, at the very least let the girl wrap her mind on what's going on." "Rose, I am no mood of saying the truth. She can't have the capacity now." Rose turned to me. "It is very strange for a mortal to see us. Whispers of the wind is what they call us." Ray turned to Rose. "Enough talk! We need to know what side she is!" I looked at both of them, a bit weirded out. "Well?! Truth or lies!?" Ray looked twitchy, and defiantly not natural. Rose didn't even do anything, looking regal and relaxed, seemingly the only sane person I met. "I... pick truth." Rose looked at him, a small smile on her face. "The girl chose. Now may I talk?" He simply scowled, clenching his fists. "I am Rose Rosilin. My brother and I are, what you call, spectors." She looked at me, my skin crawling. "As mentioned before, we are usually unseen by most mortals. But a chosen few have the gift, or curse depending on who you speak too, of seeing us. And this isn't given to just anyone." "Yeah... I figured that much." Rose smiled, her eyes twinkling. "At least you're different. Most people are dull, and extremely dense. It's terribly dreadful talking to them." "Right..." "But in any case, you are one of the few people that actually are rather fun to talk to. It's a good thing after all. It makes you unique." I let my heart slow down, as it was testing how fast it wants to beat before I drop dead. "Ah, you seemed a bit coiled up don't you? All of those emotions slowly stirring like an old storm..." "C-Could you probably leave? Cause I got a Corrupted to take down." She sighs, rather saddened, and for a second, I was almost tempted to stay and listen. Almost. "Well, at the very least, try not to get yourself killed. It is terribly dull to have only a brother to talk to." They both started to fade, as I started running, heading probably to my final destination.

Rocks and ashes. All I could see is rocks and ashes everywhere. It was like magma dropped from the sky and melted or burned anything living. Even the sky was barren, made from a deep gray. I looked around, hand hovering over the pistol. I feel my heart pulse faster and faster, as I scanned the environment. Why is it empty? Wasn't there action here a second ago? The ground shifted, and started to collapse under me. Too late I realized that it was collapsing, as I ran, only to sink down, falling. I don't remember landing, or screaming. But that's what happened, my vision blurred once I felt the ground. I felt a groan escape my lips, as I slowly got up. Luckily for me, I was a lot more durable than I thought, surviving a fall like that. But I guess I wasn't lucky enough. The cavern was enormous, completely engulfed in darkness. Definitely not my favorite place. The dark was something I hated, something I wasn't used to. I could here a hiss from my right, as I blindly grab my pistols, firing at the general direction. The hissing continued, becoming louder and louder, almost intolerable. I covered my ears, as my faunus ears flattened as best as they could, trying to block it out. The last thing I could hear clearly was a voice. A voice so menacing, so vile, so evil, it made the ground tremble...

Welcome Holana. You will be my next meal.
