

Deadshot was attractive, a blind person could see that. He was also insanely good with a gun and I couldn't help but love that. I went back to my cage, replaying it all in my mind. What did they want? Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. I shook off the thoughts, deciding to deal with it when it happened. 


I watched as Harley pulled something out of her mouth, shoving it into her hair as guards rushed in. 

"Prisoners, get down on your knees. now! Down on your knees! Hands in the air! Turn around. Hands up high," Griggs ordered, pointing his gun at us, the rest of the back up doing the same. Half were going into my cell and into Harley's.

"Hey, I'm cooperating. All right? This is me being cool," Harley reassured, holding her hands up. I smirked, following suit. 

"Take them," he ordered. As they approached us we fought. Red consumed my hands as I sent them flying. "Do not fire that goddamn weapon!" I punched one in the face as he yelled, kneeing him in the face when he fell to the ground. As I was about to move onto the next guard volts of electricity coursed through me, metal becoming lodged in my skin. I fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Everything went black.

It wasn't long until I was conscious again, the voltage having only had a short effect (minus the slight pain I still felt). They'd strapped me to a chair, my arms tied down to the sides, and my head strapped back. I glared at them all. We came to a stop.

"What is that? What is that? Who are you?" Harley questioned as they took something out of a briefcase. An injection. She began to struggle against her restraints. "Who are you? I don't know who you are," she yelled.

"Device armed."

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Hey, I'm talking to you." She then let out a shout of pain. They held some sort of device to her neck, searching for whatever had been injected into her. I was next.

"Don't fucking touch me assholes. I will make you regret it you-" I let out a short scream of pain as the thing was injected into me. "You're dead," I growled, my eyes flashing red. I soon heard a familiar voice behind me. "Hotshot!" I exclaimed, trying to turn my head. "When I break free wanna shoot some bitches?" I yelled, not actually being able to see him. I didn't hear what he said next as I was tased again. I let out a grunt of pain.

"Shut up, bitch," one of the guards sneered. I thrashed against my restraints for a second before stopping.

"Fuck you," I spat, letting the red consume my hands. Despite my little room to move, I managed to hit the guard that tased me, sending him to the floor as they wheeled me along. I aimed again, stopping when I felt the electricity hit me again, this time worse.

I felt dizzy as they wheeled me to a large area. I winked at one of the guards as they stared.

"You're all dead," I laughed. "Especially you Griggs," I yelled out as he conversed with Harley, handing her something.


They lined us up, all still tied down, waiting.

"Alpha, Bravo team, on me," someone yelled. I glanced around to see the same man as before approaching us, Flag. Another person was wheeled up, well lizard.  "Unlock 'em," he ordered once he was in from of us. 

"Hi, boys! Harley Quinn. How do you do?" There was a pause as she left hand outstretched. Floyd stared the men in front of him down. "Huh? What was that? I should kill everyone and escape?" She glanced around. "Sorry. The voices." She hit her head lightly. "I'm kidding. Jeez! That's not what they really said."

"It was probably worse," I told, smirking at everyone around me. "I'm Lilith and the voices in my head are telling me you're scared. Fun fact, the voices are your thoughts." I held my hand out for someone to shake but no one did. 

Then Flag's attention was brought elsewhere as some of the guards brought -what looked like a body bag- over. I raised an eyebrow as I watched.

"What do we got here?" Flag questioned as he walked over. They placed the bag down as someone kicked and punched within it, trying to get out. "Twelve pounds of shit in a ten-pound sack."  Flag cut the bag open. 

"There's a zip for a reason," I called out. They turned to glare at me, obviously unamused. "Geez, I'm just trying to help save you money." I held my hands up in surrender.

 "Welcome to the party, Capitan Boomerang," Flag greeted as the man inside the bag kicked his way out, standing abruptly. As soon as he was on his feet he began to punch the soldiers. Flag quickly acted, pinning the man against a car, two other helping him.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's going on, man?" Captain Boomerang questioned, holding his hands up as best as he could with three men holding him down. 

"Calm down," Flag ordered.

"Hey, one minute I'm playing Mahjong with me nanna then this red streak hits me outta nowhere," he spoke, his accent showing. Australia?

"Shut up! You were caught robbing a diamond exchange," he said in response, his annoyance showing. 

"I was not," Boomerang defended. I almost rolled my eyes. Soon enough our attention was brought to yet another person as a car came into view. 

"Here comes Slipknot the man who climb anything. Wonderful," Flag commented as the car came to a halt. Some guy walked out. He lunged forward, punching the guard in the face. She must have said something bitchy.

"She had a mouth," he stated an anger to his voice.

"I like him," I stated, a smile gracing my lips. "They always say don't punch a girl but what if they're attacking you?" 

Soon we were all standing together, an invitation to start talking to us about whatever it was we were doing there. 

"Listen up! In your necks the injection, you got, it's a nanite explosive." He paced as he spoke. "It's the size of a rice grain but it's powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me, and guess what? You die."

"I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you," Harley warned, her hand raised as she sat on her chair that she had been wheeled out on. 

"And I'm very irritating, just ask anyone," I told, raising my hand like Harley did.

"Ladies, shut up," he yelled, making both Harley and I drop our hands and our smiles. 

"He called us ladies," I gasped, smiling. "How nice."

"This is the deal. You're going somewhere very bad to do something that'll get you killed. But until that happens you're my problem," Flag continued, stopping pacing as he finished his little 'speech' (if you could call it that, it was hardly uplifting or motivating). Floyd stood in front of him as he stopped.

"So was that like a pep talk?" He asked, unimpressed. 

"Yeah. That was a pep talk. There's your shit. Grab what you need for a fight. We're wheels up in 10." He didn't break eye contact until he finished, then he tried to walk away.

"You might wanna work on your team motivation thing. You heard of Phil Jackson?" Floyd spoke. 


"He's like a gold standard. OK? Triangle, bitch. Study." He held his hands up in triangle before walking away to his stuff. 

I walked to my box, rummaging through until I found my outfit. The whole thing was still there, even the red jacket, my favourite jacket. I smiled, slipping the jumpsuit off and the new outfit on. I noticed the lingering eyes but ignored them, if they touched me, I'd kill them. Except Floyd, him I didn't mind. My eyes flickered over to him (he stood only a few feet away) to see him already looking my way. I made eye contact, winking as I slid my jacket on. I quickly grabbed my knives, placing them in the holsters, with my gun. Not that I used a gun much.

"What? Won't fit anymore? Too much junk in the trunk?" Harley asked as she did her lipstick. 

"Nah. Every time I put this on, somebody dies," he replied. Harley held out her lipstick to me.

"And?" I asked, taking the lipstick from the crazy blonde.

"I like putting it on," he explained as I put on the lipstick. 

"Goody." Harley held up a large hammer type thing as she spoke. "Somethin' tells me a whole lotta people are about to die."

"Here's me thinking you couldn't get hotter," I muttered, biting my lip.

"Just wait, Sweetheart."

"I'm not a patient person," I replied.

"We're being led to our deaths," Diablo spoke up, interrupting us.

"Speak for yourself mate. Hey, what's that crap on your face? Does it wash off?" Captain Boomerang asked, pointing to it with his weapon. The lizard guy chuckled at this. 

"I like his tattoo's," I spoke. "They tell a story."

"Hey, if you like a girl, can you light her cigarette with your pinkie? Because that would be real classy," Harley interrogated, joining in with everyone else's questions

"Oh, yeah let's see, I love a guy who's classy," I told, smirking at him.

"Hey, y'all might wanna leave old boy alone. He could torch this whole joint. Ain't that right, ese?" Floyd spoke up. 

"Ain't got nothing to worry about from me. I'm cool, homie," Diable replied. 

"Was that a pun?" I laughed.

Once again we had to line up.

"Behold the voice of God," Flag announced, holding out a tablet in front of us. 

"For those of you who don't know me officially, my Name is Amanda Waller. There's an active terrorist event in Midway City. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT- 1 and get them to safety," she explained. 

"I'm sorry. For those of us who don't speak good guy, what is HVT- 1?" Floyd interrupted. 

"The only person that matters in the city, the one person you can't kill. Complete the mission, you get time off your prison sentence. Fail the mission, you die. Anything happens to Colonel Flag, I'll kill every single one of you. Remember, I'm watching. I see everything," she finished, the tablet turning off. 

"There's your pep talk," Flag informed.

"Compared to your shit, she killed it," Floyd retorted. "So that's it? What, we some kind of Suicide Squad?"

"I'll notify your next of kin," he told, barging past us. "Alpha, Bravo team, mount up," he yelled.  

We sat on the plane ready to take off. I was bored as I let the red consume my hands and bounce back and forth. I made shapes, trying to entertain myself. 

"You're late," Flag stated. 

"I was busy," the new arrival spoke (in Japanese).

"This is Katana. She's got my back. She can cut all you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims," he explained.

"Harley Quinn nice to meet ya. Love your perfume, what is that, the scent of death?" Harley introduced, holding out her hand for the new arrival to shake. 

"Should I kill them?" Her hand went towards her sword. 

"Easy cowgirl. Ain't that kind of mission. Have a seat," Flag told her. 

"She seems nice." Harley nodded as she turned to me. 

"Busy doing what?" I questioned, turning to the new arrival. Flag looked at me as if I had two heads (as did everyone else). "I can read minds, manipulate thoughts and move stuff without touching it but me speaking multiple languages is what shocks you?" I pointed out, raising an eyebrow. "I'm actually smart, assholes. My parents made sure of it before they died."

"How'd they die?" Boomerang asked.

"Some bastards wanted my powers and thought the only way to get to me was to kill them," I told him, all humour gone from my face and my tone. I stared blankly. There was a moment of silence before I began again, my eyes flickering over to the people staring at me. "So I killed them, well most of them. One by one. It took a while but it was worth it. Listening as they begged for their lives, just as my family did." I smiled slightly, letting out a breathy laugh. "The things they were scared of."

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that," he muttered in reply.

"Too dark?" His eyes widened as I made eye contact, mine being red. "Don't worry, it gets worse." I didn't say anything else about it. "Don't be scared, I only kill the people who cross me."

A/N- I know this a lot later than I have said it would be and I'm really sorry. Please don't kill me. I started A Levels and I have mocks after Christmas so I've been revising. Updates for this (and all my other stories) are gonna be hella slow so sorry but have this crappy update to keep you busy for like 30 seconds. Have fun with it and don't hate me. 
