Chapter - 2 A New World?

Mary - Umm...

Phil - Yeah thats us?

"They both said nervously"

"Asean was in complete shock i mean Philia is now a boy and Martial is a girl"


Asean - So! ... Your telling me you two are from a different universe!

Mary - Yup
"Mary said while drinking some milo"

"Phil glared daggers at Mary before sighing and said"

Phil - Well .. yes we are, me, Mary and probably almost all of the countries except the teachers of course readed a book from the restricted library and things got out of hand and well were here now...

"Asean just looked at Phil straight in the eyes having the 'Are-You-Joking' look on his face before smiling again"

Phil - Im really sorry it was an accident! Me and Mary will try to fix this i promise!

"Asean was even more confuse since the Philia he knows always puts the blame on someone else even if it was her, he instead smiled and said"

Asean - Alright! I'll believe you two!

Twins - Really?

(Twins - There must be a twist)

Phil - I- uh Thank you!

(Phil - Might aswell thank him i cant give a bad impression anyways)

"Asean then excitedly asked the two to follow him to principal UN office"

*Phil - Well atleast not everything change*

Author - This *---* Means whispering

"Phil said with a smile while looking at the students who are glaring at them"

*Mary - Sheesh It will be a pain in the ass to remember where all the rooms are at again!*

"Phil just laughed at Mary before Asean suddenly stopped"

Asean - Were here!
"Asean grinned widely"

"They saw what appears to be an 11 foot tall door"


"The two then looked at the door dumbfoundly while Asean chuckled of course the twins were too deep in their thoughts they didnt hear Asean"

"Asean opened the door and walked in"

"The two then got rid of their thought and followed Asean inside"

(Mary - Black? Why is the Room black??)

(Phil - Huh even the walls are different)

"Their eyes then meet with what seems to be principal UN but instead his wings were bone it seems like someone plucked or burned them off"

(Mary - Holy crap)

(Phil - Oh my that must have hurt)

UN - So you two must be the Other universe Philia and Martial?


Mary - Okay not to be rude but please call me Mary

"Phil just looked at Mary with a Are-You-Serious look on his face"

Mary - What!? You know i dont like being called Martial
"Mary said with a frown"

"Phil sighed and looked at the confused UN and Asean before saying"

Phil - Well if you dont mind ... could you call me Phil instead of Philia
"Phil said with a closed eyed smile"

"UN simply nodded before saying"

UN - Tsk, *children..* hm, Phil and Mary do you have a place to stay?

"Mary then looked at UN with a Are-You-Stupid look on her face before saying"

Mary - Oh yes we totaly have a place to stay after coming from another world
"Mary said sarcasticly"

"Phil chuckled at what Mary said while Asean looked shocked before smiling sweetly again"

UN - will be staying at your "Other you" dorm room while our professors find a way to bring you two back *your lucky your a country*

"Phil then looked at Mary with uh Pretty-Please look Mary sighed and said"

Mary - Yeah yeah

"Phil smiled and turned to look at UN and said"

Phil - Sure!

"UN then asked Asean to take the two to there dorm room"

Asean - Please follow me!

(Mary - Jeez their so different)
"Mary frown as she thought that"

"The two twins then followed Asean to the elevator while getting stared at by some students"

Extra 1 - Is that Martial?!

Extra 2 - "Gasp" Philia as a boy!?

"Multiple students begin whispering to each other of course Mary and Phil could hear them and could only frown at what they said except Phil"

(Mary - If only i could scream shut up right now i would!)

(Phil - There lucky this isnt my world u marites)

"They then walked inside the elevator while Asean clicked floor 31"

(Mary - Tf!? Are we in the top floor, or is this school just huge as fuck!?)

"There was an awkward silence between the three Mary decided to grab her Airpod from her pockets and listened to some music while Phil got a book inside his jacket (dont ask how) and Asean was using his phone sneaking glances at them every 10 seconds"



"The Elevator finnaly stoped at floor 13, Mary took out her airpods and placed it back in her picket, Phil put his book back in his jackets, Asean closed his phone"

Asean - Lets go!

"The three then walked out the elavator and started walking down the halls"

Mary - Ooh~!
"Mary said as she spotted a vending machine"

"Phil and Asean then stopped to look at Mary who was buying some Milo and 3 piatos"

Phil - Uh why did you get three Mary?

"Mary turned around while holding the stuff she bought"

Mary - For you and sir Asean of course who else the ghost!
"Mary said sarcasticly"

"Phil laughed and said"

Phil - I thought you will eat it all!
"Phil smiled playfully"

Mary - "Gasp" No piatos for you!
"She said while crossing her arms"

Phil - "Gasp" Wait sorry it was a joke!

Mary - Just kidding! Anyways here you go!
"She said while giving the piatos to both Asean and Phil"

"Asean just looked at Mary dumbfoundly while holding the piatos"

Mary - You gonna say thank you or what?
"Mary said while raising her brow"

Asean - I uh t-Thank you?

"Mary and Phil both smiled while excitedly thinking"



"Asean then raised a brow but soon laughed"

"That made the twins stop walking and turned around with wide eyes"

"Mary said with a big smile"

(Mary - Woah! I only heard papa asean laugh a few times! this asean is like always smiles but i havent heard him laugh yet)

Phil - You should laugh more! It never hurts to have fun!
"Phil said with a big smile"

"Asean then stoped laughing and smiled"

Asean - What you standing still for lets go!
"Asean said with a closed eyed smile"

(Mary - Im so picturing this!)

"Mary took out her phone AND a camera"

Phil - How in the world did tha-

Mary - SHHHH!
"Mary then took a picture while giggling like a little kid"

(Mary - Im so printing this! Does Phil even know how rare it is to capture a picture of Sir Asean smilling! Whenever he does he already took my phone!)

"Mary smiled and said"

Mary - Hehe Last one there is a rotten egg!
"Mary said as she got a head start"

Phil - "Gasp" No fair!

"Phil said as he ran towards his dorm room both completely forgetting Asean"

(Asean - They really are different from those two)
"Asean smiled while chasing Phil and Mary"

?????? - Little did they know they were being watched


Ty for reading this story and sorry about the grammar mistake!
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

See you Next time༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
