[Dec. 25- Future]


All I want for Christmas is you, baby"

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"You may now kiss the husband."

Jaren smiled as he felt tears run down his face. John grinned and wiped them away, before pulling Jaren into a passionate kiss. The Canadian laughed but kissed back.

When they pulled away, both men faced their friends and family. Elle, Lauren, Isaac and Marie were standing in front, cheering with huge smiles on their faces. John and Jaren grinned and walked hand in hand down the aisle. All their friends and family were clapping, the Misfits throwing rice at them and laughing.

"My boy is all grown up!" Sobbed Elle, before smiling and laughing. "He got married! Now get me some grandchildren I can spoil!"

Jaren laughed and John stared at his face in awe. He was so beautiful. His husband (HUSBAND!!) was so gorgeous and John wanted nothing more than to be alone with him and be able to show him that.

John was ecstatic.

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Five Years Later. . .

"Lucas!" Said John, crossing his arms. The fifteen-year-old year old stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, grinning nervously. "Get into the kitchen, I want to speak to you for a moment.

The high school student walked towards the kitchen, nervous. "Yes dad?" Lucas said, smiling guiltily.

John raised his eyebrow, trying to hold a grin. "You ate the cookies we left for Santa, right?" He asked, biting back a smile. "Don't lie, I saw someone eating a cookie at 2:47 am today, and they were wearing the same Spider-Man pajama bottoms and Haikyuu!! hoodie as you."

Lucas smiled awkwardly. "Um, maybe...?"

The American laughed. "I'm not mad, don't worry." He said, reassuring his son. "But I won't tell pops, Olivia and Oliver if you don't tell I ate some too, okay?" He said, crossing his heart.

The fifteen-year-old grinned and nodded, crossing his heart as well. "Promise, dad." Lucas looked at the clock and frowned. "By the way, when is pops coming down? Ollie and Olliv won't wait a minute more to open the presents."

John was about to open his mouth when a new person walked down the stairs, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Morning." Jaren said, walking towards the kitchen and serving himself some tea John made earlier. John smiled and kissed his husband's forehead, wrapping an arm around his waist.

Lucas smiled. "Good morning!" He chirped. "Ollie and Olliv are waiting in the living room- I said if they waited for you so they could open presents we could eat pancakes."

Jaren nodded, sipping his raspberry tea. "Good one, Luc." He said, swallowing. He quickly kissed John and walked towards the living room.

The husbands adopted Lucas when he was twelve-years-old, just one year into their marriage. When they felt ready to adopt again two years later, they came across Olivia and Oliver, a pair of six-year-old twins with some medical conditions. Olivia had ADHD and Oliver had Anxiety. At first, it was kinda rough for them, but now they couldn't imagine not living with those two.

When the three entered, they saw the two eight-year-old twins almost asleep, until they saw Jaren. "Pops!" Exclaimed the oldest, Olivia. "Can we open the presents Santa left us?!"

"Please!" Added Oliver, the younger twin, smiling anxiously.

"Did you two brush your teeth?" Asked Jaren, sitting down in a nearby couch, John sitting beside him. When the twins and Lucas nodded enthusiastically, Jaren smiled softly. "Go ahead."

The fathers watched as their three children started opening the four gifts each one got. Olivia squealed when she opened one and saw a pair of soccer knee pads. "Oh my god! Now I can throw myself to the ball and not scratch myself!"

John smiled. "Score." He whispered into Jaren's ear.

Oliver's mouth opened in shock when he saw the covers of the books. "No way!" He exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear. "I got the Caraval series!"

Jaren grinned, feeling proud of himself. John rolled his eyes but smiled, now staring at his fifteen-year-old.

Lucas looked in shock at the sight of the 50 COPIC markers. "No way..." He said, staring at his dads in shock but didn't say anything until the twins finished unwrapping their presents and ran to their room to put their things away. "O-Oh my god, this must've been so expensive..." He turned to his dads. "Thank you! I love you guys so much!" He said, jumping up and hugging his dads. Lucas grabbed his things and ran up his stairs.

John and Jaren smiled at themselves. "Well, they're happy." Commented Jaren, placing his head on John's shoulder.

The American smiled at the sight of Jaren's ring in his right hand, kissing his forehead. "Yep." He said simply. "My present is coming after these grasshoppers go to sleep, if you know what I mean..." He said, wiggling his eyebrow and smirking.

Jaren laughed and slapped John's thigh. "Oh, I know alright." He said, before standing and smiling softly. "Come on, we gotta start making those pancakes."

The older male laughed and stood up, before placing his forehead against Jaren's. "Merry Christmas, Jaren."

The Canadian smiled. "Merry Christmas, John."

And then they kissed, happy of the future they were building together.

The End

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i can't believe i actually managed to write this... im so proud of myself. also!! this isnt the last you'll see of these peeps, im thinking of making a separate one-shot book about John, Jaren and their kids. i really want to write more about these kids!!

anyways, i hope you had a great Christmas, Hannukah, or whatever you celebrate! follow my social medias if you want to keep up with me for some reason:

Instagram: _consteliations_
Twitter: crystalinestars
Archive Of Our Own: c0nst3lI4t10ns

anyways, ill see you all! thanks for all the reads, votes and comments! i really appreciate it!

