New world

It has been a few months since the war in the capital. Akame was in a tree thinking about how boring it has been since the war in the capital. She looked down to see a man wearing a black robe with red clouds and with a mask on his face. Akame jumped down from the tree as she said "who are you" she would grab her sword. The man stands in front of her and opens a portal sucking Akame in.

The next day:

Akame wakes up and finds herself in a rundown apartment as she would get up from the bed. She hears someone out the door as she grabs her sword ready to attack.

With Naruto

Naruto had just came back to the village after saving garra as he yawned Kakashi said "You both must be tired why not get some rest and relax for a few days". Sakura looked at Kakashi and said "yeah I think I'll do that" however Naruto said "I'll head home and rest but it's training for me tomorrow". Both Kakashi and Sakura looked at Naruto and laughed as Sakura said "alright I'll see you tomorrow Naruto" she heads off to her house. Kakashi walked towards the hokage's mansion to report about the mission, and Naruto headed to his home. He arrived to his home as he unlocked the door and opened it seeing a black haired woman on his bed, he screamed saying "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE". Akame had her sword in her hand as she charged to attack him.

That's it for this chapter sorry for the cliffhanger there but I felt it was appropriate.
