
    Chapter 6 The Cowardly Female Supporting Character (6)

The news that Wang Ruoyan's injury relapsed and that she was carried back to the ward by Sheng Zhiming spread. Medical staff from the entire department rushed to treat Wang Ruoyan. Fortunately, she was not seriously injured. The wound did not split and there was no bleeding. It was just a slight pull. After the pain, she would be fine after a short rest. After

more than half an hour of tossing and turning, everyone finally slowly dispersed.

Wang Ruoyan felt very sorry for this: "I'm sorry, I made you worry."

Xiaopang pouted: "It's obviously Ye Wei's fault. If she hadn't pushed me, I wouldn't have been injured."

Wang Ruoyan said helplessly: "Xiaopang, I asked you to stop talking."

Xiaopang said, "Oh, it's true. Ye Wei knows that my knife wound has not healed. I don't know what she is thinking when she pushed me. Mr.

Sheng, you must not be fooled by Ye Wei again. She is not a..." good person. He

swallowed the word "good person" in his mouth and was frightened into silence by Sheng Zhiming's cold glance.

Wang Ruoyan said, "Zhiming, don't be angry, Xiaopang did this for me..."

Sheng Zhiming didn't bother with an assistant, but he never liked others telling him what to do. He hummed, "Have a good rest, don't go out alone if you have nothing to do."

Wang Ruoyan: "Okay, I got it."

Sheng Zhiming gave Wang Ruoyan instructions, and left the ward without saying anything else.

Wang Ruoyan was a little surprised. She was injured because of Ye Wei, but Sheng Zhiming didn't say anything?

Xiaopang hid behind the door and peeked. He thought there was something interesting to watch, after all, Wang Ruoyan was injured because of Ye Wei. But Sheng Zhiming didn't bother Ye Wei at all, but went back to the ward directly without even a word of blame!

He was very disappointed and said to Wang Ruoyan, "Sister Ruoyan, what does Young Master Sheng mean?

Ye Wei has bullied you so much, why is he still protecting her? He

doesn't even vent his anger for you, it's too much."

Wang Ruoyan was silent for a moment and said, "Don't say that, Ye Wei is still his girlfriend."

"He dares to want a girlfriend like this?

No one will be able to save him next time he is in danger."

Xiaopang sneered and shook his head, thinking that Sheng Zhiming was really blinded by beauty, but it didn't matter, he still had the video in his hand, and he could still bring Ye Wei down. "Sister Ruoyan, don't worry, Ye Wei is selfish and she still doesn't know how to restrain herself until today. This big-breasted and brainless person will sooner or later pay the price for what she did!"

Wang Ruoyan shook her head: "Okay, it's getting late, you should go back and rest."

After Xiaopang left the ward, the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he felt. He scolded Ye Wei and sent the video to Wang Ruoyan's agent Zhao Kexin as soon as possible.

Zhao Kexin was so excited when she saw it that she lost all sleep. This video could not only completely ruin Ye Wei, but it could also be sold for a few million... Of course, it would be great if it could make money, but it could push Wang Ruoyan to a higher level in many ways, how could it be compared to tens of millions?

Wang Ruoyan would be the first big-name artist she brought out!

She wanted to see how Ye Wei would turn things around this time!

Sure enough, the video #Ye Wei bullies Wang Ruoyan# became popular on the Internet. Ye Wei, who was already deeply criticized, was once again pushed to the top of public opinion. Netizens said that Ye Wei should get out of the entertainment industry. They would not watch any movies or TV shows about her, nor would they buy magazines and news about her!

Not only that, the official Weibo of "Harem" was almost paralyzed, because countless messages were saying that Ye Wei should leave the crew and not let her ruin the good script. They refused to watch "Harem" with Ye Wei in it. Even if the show gathered countless popular artists, they refused to watch it.

Not only that, fans even shouted at their own artists on Weibo, asking them to stay away from Ye Wei for safety, and some even quit the show.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, "Harem" had no choice but to post a Weibo that it would solve the current problem satisfactorily to appease the angry fans and netizens. When

Sheng Zhiming heard about this, it was already the next morning. At this time, the matter had fermented to an irreversible point and was basically settled.

He looked cold and threw the newspaper on the ground: "What's going on?"

The assistant never thought that Sheng Zhiming would be so angry, and his heart skipped a beat: "Last night, I don't know who posted the video of Ye Wei bullying Wang Ruoyan on the Internet. Netizens are very distressed for Miss Ruoyan..."

Sheng Zhiming interrupted him: "I mean, why did you tell me now?


Assistant: "..."

He was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Sheng Zhiming to be angry because of this. He quickly explained: "Because the incident broke out after two in the morning, I was afraid to disturb your rest.

I'm sorry, Mr. Sheng, I'm not doing my job well."

Besides, didn't Ye Wei fall out of favor?

How dare he disturb Sheng Zhiming's sleep because of Ye Wei's matter?

As an assistant, he must know how bad

Sheng Zhiming's temper is when he wakes up. Besides, the video of "Ye Wei bullying Wang Ruoyan" was leaked to the Internet. Although it was a fatal blow to Ye Wei, it was like adding wings to a tiger for Wang Ruoyan, and it directly pushed her reputation to the highest point.

She became a pampered national angel. Wherever she went, people would shout "Mom, brother, sister" to protect her.

Sheng Zhiming calmly understood the general situation and said, "Let Ye Wei and Liu Jia in."

Assistant: "..."

Sheng Zhiming didn't know what to do.

What did he arrive at? He laughed coldly, walked to the sofa and lay down, put his long legs on the coffee table, and said lazily: "Such a big thing happened, the two of them should have come to wait early in the morning."
The assistant wanted to cry but had no tears: "?
That... Ye Wei and Liu Jia are not here?"
Sheng Zhiming was surprised: "Huh?
Not here?"
The assistant said: "Yes, from last night to now, I haven't seen Ye Wei or Liu Jia."
However, because of Sheng Zhiming's instructions, Zhao Peng, who originally didn't care about the whereabouts of Ye Wei and Liu Jia, had to care now. He hurried to knock on Ye Wei's ward, and imagined how anxious, angry, and desperate they were at this moment, and shook his head helplessly. If he had known this would happen, why did he do it in the first place? He
knocked on the door, and it was quiet inside. There was no one in sight, only a cleaner was cleaning.
He asked in confusion: "Where are the people who live here?
Where did they go?"
The other party said: "They have been discharged from the hospital. No one lives here anymore."
Zhao Peng was shocked: "...Discharged?"
"Yes, I heard that they were discharged early in the morning."
Zhao Peng went back to find Sheng Zhiming with a head full of question marks. Don't say, he was really shocked. No matter how he thought about it, it was impossible. How could Ye Wei be discharged like this?
You know, Ye Wei is now the target of public criticism. The only one who can help her is Sheng Zhiming. Once she is discharged from the hospital, it will be difficult for her to see Sheng Zhiming.
Otherwise, why did Ye Wei stay in the hospital for that little injury before? Wasn't it because she wanted to "get the moon first
when you are close to the water"? She was actually discharged from the hospital for this bone setting surgery!
Is Ye Wei really stupid?
Zhao Peng was shocked. He couldn't figure out what Ye Wei was thinking no matter how hard he tried. In the end, he could only attribute it to her stupidity.
When he went back to see Sheng Zhiming and told him about Ye Wei's discharge from the hospital, he subtly saw the same shock and disbelief on Sheng's face.
Zhao Peng felt relieved.
Didn't say anything?"
What did she say?
How would Zhao Peng know?
"When I went over, Ye Wei had already left. I didn't see her..."
The ward was quiet. Sheng Zhiming was still a little dazed. He never expected that Ye Wei would leave without saying a word.
Could it be because he carried Wang Ruoyan back to the ward last night and didn't go to find her afterwards, so she got jealous and left in anger?
It seemed like that. Ye Wei used to like being jealous. If she found out that some little artist wanted to seduce him, she would definitely take the initiative to find him, threaten him, and drive him away to defend her position.
Just thinking about it, Sheng Zhiming wondered how Ye Wei could still be jealous?
Did she think he would still coax her?
Sheng Zhiming sneered.
If she wants to leave, let's see when she will come to him for help.
But after a while, Zhao Peng came over with a mobile phone in shock: "Mr. Sheng, Ye Wei was blocked by reporters at the gate of the community. She is now being interviewed by media reporters."
Sheng Zhiming frowned slightly, and no emotion could be seen on his cold face.
He took the phone and took a look.
Ye Wei in the camera was wearing a red long skirt, big waves, delicate makeup, flaming red lips, and the whole person was beautiful and sexy, so ostentatious that people could not ignore her.
Her enchanting figure was graceful and her smile was perfect. She was protected by more than a dozen bodyguards, and the crazy siege of reporters did not make her embarrassed.
She also took the time to wave at the camera, with full manners.
This look makes people want to bite! The
barrage was even crazier.
Ye Wei actually had the face to come out. Doesn't she have any shame?
There is something wrong with her three views! I don't know how her parents taught her.
That's right, knowing that our Ruoyan was injured, she pushed her and hurt her out of jealousy, causing Ruoyan's injuries to worsen.
Ye Wei has done so many bad things, and she still doesn't know how to repent. It's really too much.
I don't know what Sheng Zhiming likes about Ye Wei, her face?
Don't say it, Ye Wei's face is really too beautiful. Ignoring other things, I can eat Ye Wei's face for a year. Get out
of here, Dios!
How come this kind of person hasn't been banned yet? Ye Wei, get out of the entertainment industry!
Get out of the entertainment industry!
Don't even mention the barrage, Sheng Zhiming wants to hit someone when he sees her like that.
Especially since she took the time to answer reporters' questions.
What did you say?
Why didn't you block the knife for Sheng Zhiming?
What's so strange about this? There's no reason. I'm just afraid and don't want to block it."
"What are you afraid of?"
She laughed, feeling that what the reporter asked was a joke, "Of course I'm afraid of death. Aren't you afraid of death?"
"I like Mr. Sheng, but I don't like him enough to be willing to die for him."
"I'm not as great as Xiao Wang. I can't compare. I really can't compare."
"That's right, I'm really afraid of death."
Sheng Zhiming: "..."
Netizens: "..."

    Chapter 7 The Cowardly Supporting Actress (7)

Ye Wei watched the entire process of herself going from black to red and then black to purple. Her Weibo account has been paralyzed. The number of comments on her latest Weibo account has exceeded one million, and most of them are scolding her and asking her to get out of the entertainment industry. The top five hot searches are all about her, and the popularity remains high. Liu Jia spent a lot of money to remove her from the hot searches, but she would be brought back up again just after being removed, and all the money she spent was wasted. Liu Jia called her and scolded her profusely, because Ye Wei was now abandoned by the company and they wanted to terminate her contract. The company was unwilling to even pay to remove her from the hot searches, let alone spend money on public relations for her.

Liu Jia gave the final death order: "Get in front of Wang Ruoyan

right now and beg for her forgiveness! It's up to you whether you cry or kneel! Where's Sheng Zhiming? You know Sheng Zhiming is protecting Wang Ruoyan, but you still dare to bully her! Your mind is full of shit, right?

Kneel down, kneel down! I have committed sins in several lifetimes to meet such a fool as you!"

"Sister Liu, don't spend money recklessly. Black and red are also red. You should think more positively!"

"I think you think too positively, you fool! Kneel down for me!"

Ye Wei promised well, but she refused to admit it after hanging up the phone. Just kidding, everything she has now is what she has worked hard for.

She will fight with anyone who ruins her! Her self-confidence that was hit by Sheng Zhiming has recovered a little... Just say, how could there be any problem with her work ability?

If Liu Jia knew what Ye Wei was thinking, I'm afraid she would be so angry that she would die.

That night, Ye Wei had a rare good sleep. As a stepping stone on the road of love between the male and female protagonists, her mission was almost over, and she didn't need to do anything in person afterwards.

The last task is to wait to die.

After thinking about it, she felt that there was no need to stay in the hospital. The next morning, she packed her luggage and went home. The assistant couldn't stop her!

"No, no, you can't leave! Sister Liu said that she will watch you no matter what and not let you leave the ward."

"I'll go home and not run around, don't worry." " No

!" "Why not?" After the show, why not go home and stay to watch the fun? It seems that it is not impossible... "Why? Is it not good to stay in the hospital?" The assistant collapsed. She had never followed such a difficult and brainless person. Ye Wei thought about it and shook her head and said, "No." Forget it, she didn't want to work overtime. "Mr. Sheng is here. Think about it. It will be difficult to see Mr. Sheng if you leave!" "I didn't see him many times when I was here. Besides, do you think Sheng Zhiming wants to talk to me about the old times and reconnect with me when he sees me now, or vent his anger to Xiao Wang? Do you want to stay and face the anger of Mr. Sheng?" The assistant: "..." No, I don't want to. The assistant was persuaded and followed Ye Wei out of the hospital. She didn't expect that Ye Wei had already prepared and actually hired more than a dozen bodyguards to follow her and protect her tightly. She was surprised, "Sister Wei, why do you find so many bodyguards?" Ye Wei glanced at her and said, "Do you know what is most important to me now?" I have been criticized like this, what else is most important? "...What?" Ye Wei pointed at herself...her. The assistant immediately understood, that's right, a woman like Ye Wei who is hypocritical and ruthless, greedy for life and afraid of death, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, bullying others..., there will definitely be excited fans coming to throw eggs at her, it is safer to have bodyguards with her. Ye Wei was protected and left the hospital. Because she left suddenly, she was not blocked, but was blocked on the way home. She was blocked calmly and calmly. After all, the work came to a perfect end, she was still in a good mood, and she took the time to answer a few questions. Why didn't you block the knife for Sheng Zhiming? Why are you afraid? Say she doesn't love Wang Ruoyan as much as Sheng Zhiming is not as great as Wang Ruoyan! She didn't want to block the knife for Sheng Zhiming, she was afraid of death, she was definitely not as loving as Xiao Wang, and not as great as Xiao Wang. Isn't that nonsense? In fact, not only she thought so, but the original owner also thought so. The original owner really didn't understand, what did she do wrong? Why did he treat her like this? It wasn't her who kidnapped Sheng Zhiming to harm him, and was it wrong to hide and protect herself in the face of danger? Besides, she and Sheng Zhiming were not a man and woman who were together because they liked each other. She loved Sheng Zhiming's money and power, and the convenience and benefits that Sheng Zhiming brought her. She knew very well in her heart that she couldn't love Sheng Zhiming as a person, because falling in love with him was destined to be like a moth flying into a flame, with nothing to gain, and no good ending. And for Sheng Zhiming, she was just a little lover who was more to his liking. Her figure and face just met his taste. Even if she often acted under the name of his girlfriend, they all knew that she was just a bed partner to him, a girlfriend? Dreaming, not even a friend. How sincere is Sheng Zhiming to her? Would Sheng Zhiming save her in the same situation? She would definitely not risk her life for him. She was just protecting herself in the face of danger. Why did those people say she was afraid of death? If they were in the same situation,

In the same situation, he might run even faster than her. It's easy

to talk without feeling any pain in the waist!

It's a pity that the original owner, who was not willing to sacrifice for others, was destined to be a supporting actress.

What's more unfortunate is that Ye Wei also thought so, so she could never be the heroine in this life.

Ye Wei shook her head, she didn't want to be the heroine.

Anyway, she is now the target of the whole network's crusade. Her main task is to find some black material for herself whenever she has something to do, and just keep the popularity before she dies, so she told the truth all at once.

Her vain, cowardly personality is firmly established!

The reporters who came to surround Ye Wei were almost crazy with joy. They didn't expect Ye Wei to be so easy to talk to. She dared to answer any questions. She was simply an expert in seeking death. So they squeezed closer to Ye Wei more enthusiastically, hoping that she would seek death more.

So Ye Wei became popular again. The interview video about her was cut into animated pictures by enthusiastic netizens and uploaded to the Internet, which immediately caused a new round of heated discussions.

Ye Wei is such a shameless bitch. She even said that she was afraid of death so confidently!

Ye Wei and Sheng Zhiming are boyfriend and girlfriend. When her boyfriend was in danger, she didn't want to help him but distanced herself from him. Is this justifiable?

She is a hypocritical, snobbish, selfish villain! It's better to stay away from such people, for fear that she will betray you mercilessly if something happens.

There are all kinds of people scolding Ye Wei,

but what's rare is that there are other voices. Although it's not good to say this, it seems that what Ye Wei said is right. I am also afraid of death. If something happens to my boyfriend, I may not take risks for him.

In fact, Ye Wei didn't make any unforgivable mistakes. At most, she distanced herself from Sheng Shao and didn't block the knife for him. It's not that she colluded with the kidnappers and stabbed Sheng Zhiming with her own hands.

It's fine for you to praise Wang Ruoyan, but there is no need to chase Ye Wei and scold her.

Where did the water army above come from?

Ye Wei's character is problematic. She still has the nerve to threaten our little angel Ruoyan and hurt our Ruoyan.

You didn't have the guts to save people back then, so don't be so shameless to lick them now.

How could she get all the benefits?

Ye Wei might not necessarily turn it down. If she turned down Wang Ruoyan, wouldn't Sheng Zhiming hate her even more and feel sorry for Wang Ruoyan?

She wouldn't be so brainless, would she?

You're wrong, Ye Wei is really so brainless!

Not only that, Ye Wei was also censored by haters, such as: I love you, but I don't love you enough to die for you, I can't compare to you, I really can't compare to you, I'm just afraid of death.

This popularity is comparable to Wang Ruoyan.

Liu Jia, who was busy

all the time: "..." She was almost mad at Ye Wei's wave of tricks!

When she was about to go to heaven, she received another call from the other side. It was from a talk show, saying that they wanted to invite Ye Wei to record the show.

What's going on?

You know, since Ye Wei's image of being greedy for life and afraid of death has been deeply rooted in people's hearts, all her invitations have been cancelled. Not only did she not have any dramas to shoot, but no show was willing to invite her.

Now she actually took the initiative to send a notice?

"He's Coming, He's Coming" is a low-profile online talk show known for its sharp and direct interview content. Although it has not entered mainstream television stations, it has a small reputation on the Internet.

Go or not?

    Chapter 8 The Cowardly Female Supporting Character (8)

Sheng Zhiming's face darkened.

He really didn't expect Ye Wei to leave so abruptly. She didn't act pitiful and obedient like she did before. Not to mention coming to see him, she didn't even send him a call or a text message... He checked his phone again, and there was indeed nothing.

From last night till now, there has been no news.

He watched the interview video of Ye Wei with a sneer. The high-spirited Ye Wei in the video made him want to bite her, "Is there anything strange about Ye Wei recently?"

Zhao Peng: "..."

He wondered what this strangeness meant?

Did Ye Wei hook up with a new sponsor?

He didn't pay attention to it, so he didn't know.

"It seems not."

Sheng Zhiming glanced at him, and Zhao Peng's heart skipped a beat: "I'll check it out right away!"

In less than half an hour, Zhao Peng came back and said: "No, Ye Wei has stopped all her work, and Liu Jia has been asking for help for her, but it has not been very effective.

Ye Wei is now boycotted by the entire network, and she has offended you, so no one wants to have anything to do with her."

In this way, Sheng Zhiming was even more confused, so who gave Ye Wei the confidence to dare to do this?

He sneered, "I'll see when she will come to me for help." After

waiting for several days, Sheng Zhiming really did not receive any calls from Ye Wei, and there was no text message. He did not see Ye Wei in private again, but saw her from time to time in the entertainment news.

"Ye Wei appeared on the street late at night, drunk on the street!"

Attached are nine pictures, which are photos of Ye Wei alone surrounded by four bodyguards, sitting on the side of the road eating barbecue and drinking beer.

Hot comments from netizens.

It's what you deserve, this is what evil pays off!

Ye Wei hasn't apologized to our little angel Ruoyan yet. This is too much. Ye Wei, please come out and apologize!

Ye Wei, apologize!

Wang Ruoyan posted on Weibo that Ye Wei didn't push her. Can you guys be quiet?

Little angel Ruoyan said she didn't push because she is kind-hearted and willing to forgive Ye Wei. As for whether she pushed or not, don't we have eyes to see?

The video is clear, she did push!

She had four bodyguards following her while eating barbecue. Does she still think she is the big star she used to be?

Ye Wei is so arrogant!

Am I the only one who feels that Ye Wei is eating very happily and not lonely at all?

Sheng Zhiming naturally saw the news. Although the photos he took were a little blurry, he could still clearly see that Ye Wei was holding a glass of wine by herself and drinking it all in one gulp. She was alone and looked very desolate. Even after all this

, she still hasn't come back to find him.

It's rare that she has lasted so long this time.

"After being fired from "The Harem", Ye Wei was fired from the crew of "Pretty Woman" for her poor acting skills!"

Attached are nine pictures, showing Ye Wei wearing a wet costume and being escorted by four bodyguards to leave in embarrassment.

Hot comments from netizens.

I heard that Ye Wei was replaced by Sheng Zhiming's mother herself, and Wang Ruoyan was promoted to the female lead. Wow, Wang Ruoyan really became a phoenix.

Ye Wei's acting skills were not very good to begin with. If it weren't for Mr. Sheng's willingness to support her and spend money on those big-budget TV series, how could Ye Wei be here today?

Ye Wei relies on her face to make a living. If it weren't for her good-looking face, who would want to watch her?

Ye Wei's acting skills are not bad, much better than many young actresses nowadays. You guys have followed the trend and criticized her enough. She

was fired even for playing a supporting role. Ye Wei is so miserable.

What crew is "Pretty Woman"?

Why haven't I heard of it?

It seems to be a second-rate web drama. Is Ye Wei doing so badly now? Haha?

She deserves it!

Am I the only one who thinks Ye Wei is sick?

Even in this situation, she still takes four bodyguards and an assistant

with her wherever she goes. Who does she think she is? She is just trying to save face. She can lose anything but her momentum. Otherwise, why does she take bodyguards with her wherever she goes?

Sheng Zhiming didn't expect Ye Wei to take this job, and she still didn't come back to find him even though she was in such a state of desolation.

This is not like Ye Wei's style at all.

Could it be that she finally has self-knowledge and dares not come back to find him?

Besides, there have been a lot of news about Ye Wei during this period, but no matter what the news is, the four bodyguards have always been with her when she goes abroad and have never disappeared.

Even Sheng Zhiming couldn't help but wonder. Ye Wei takes bodyguards with her wherever she goes. This is totally unnecessary.

After all, her current situation is not suitable for being so high-profile, because it will only attract more abuse from netizens.

Not to mention, Liu Jia was almost mad at Ye Wei's bodyguards.

Isn't it courting death to be so ostentatious and high-profile at this critical moment?

It would be better to pretend to be pitiful and play the emotional card to make netizens feel soft-hearted towards her. But she carries bodyguards with her wherever she goes. She is so arrogant. Isn't this asking for trouble?

"I'm telling you, you are not allowed to bring bodyguards when you go to record "He's Coming" tomorrow! If you dare, I'll kill you!"

"Sister Liu, you don't understand."

"What don't I understand?

You'd better withdraw all your bodyguards."

Ye Wei: "No, you don't understand."

Sister Liu: "..." If she understands you, she is a mentally retarded person.

The bodyguards will definitely not be withdrawn. After working so hard until today, Ye Wei's last task is to wait to die. Before she dies, this life is the most valuable thing. Now she is so black.

Purple, dead rats, I don't know how many have been received, it's really dangerous, no matter what she said, she will not retreat.

In order to complete the task perfectly, she must go all out and must not take it lightly!

So the next day, when Sister Liu saw Ye Wei being surrounded by the "Four Dharma Protectors" again, she was so angry that her face turned green.

This idiot, is he still thinking that he is the little lover spoiled by Sheng Zhiming!

Zhao Peng is getting more and more confused about Sheng Zhiming recently.

Because Sheng Zhiming often pays attention to Ye Wei's news, he sneers every time he sees it, and occasionally asks him: "Did Ye Wei call?"

No, that's really not.

Since Ye Wei was discharged from the hospital, she has never called again, so quiet that he finds it incredible.

Not only that, even Liu Jia is rarely quiet.

If it weren't for the endless news about Ye Wei, he would have thought that Ye Wei had disappeared.

It's also strange.

Because Sheng Zhiming has been more concerned about Ye Wei recently, Zhao Peng has also begun to pay attention to Ye Wei... I'm afraid that when Young Master Sheng asks, he won't be able to answer.

That day, he checked the news about Ye Wei on Weibo as usual, but he saw that Ye Wei was on the hot search again.

"Ye Wei is here?"

He clicked on it in confusion and found that it was a 15-minute interview video.

Half an hour later, the interview video was sent to Sheng Zhiming. Sheng

Zhiming clicked on the video with a cold face and saw the still flamboyant Ye Wei. She had big wavy hair, a long black skirt, red lips, a slender and plump figure, beautiful and sexy.

And he found that her breasts seemed to have grown a lot?

Where was the lonely and thin skin she was supposed to be?

"Didn't they say Ye Wei didn't have any announcements?"

"The host of 'He's Coming' is Xue Hao, the young master of the Xue family. Xue Hao is now a student at the Capital University of Film and Television. This is a talk show he organized himself, and it is usually broadcast on Weibo after recording. It was

originally just for fun, but because the topics and content discussed are spicy and direct, the audience is very receptive, so it has a lot of fans.

Moreover, 'He's Coming' is famous for its authenticity. There is no such thing as a script, so it is very challenging for the interviewee's on-the-spot reaction. Some people make a fool of themselves on his show, while others laugh and chat on his show.

This time he invited Ye Wei, but he didn't expect Ye Wei to really agree."

The Xue family is also a powerful family in the imperial capital, and they also have business dealings with the Sheng family. No wonder they dared to invite Ye Wei to record the show at this critical juncture.

Sheng Zhiming frowned. He naturally knew Xue Hao, who was also a very proud and trouble-making guy. He didn't understand why Ye Wei agreed to participate in Xue Hao's show.

He clicked it and took a look.

Xue Hao also grew up in a circle of power since he was a child. Naturally, he understood that people's hearts are sinister and they can do anything for the sake of profit.

As a result, when he heard that Wang Ruoyan had blocked the knife for Sheng Zhiming, he couldn't help but sigh that she was affectionate and righteous, and Ye Wei naturally seemed hypocritical and ruthless, especially after Ye Wei shamelessly threatened Wang Ruoyan to leave Sheng Zhiming, he hated this hypocritical and extremely selfish woman even more.

So he invited Ye Wei to record the show, intending to make her look bad.

Until he met Ye Wei, his impression of her was even lower. At this time, she was still putting on such a big show. Who did she think she was?


Xue Hao: "Today our guest is Ye Wei, who didn't want Young Master Sheng to block the knife and bluntly said that she was greedy for life and afraid of death."

Ye Wei: "Hello everyone, I am Ye Wei who loves herself."

Xue Hao: "..." Haha.

Ye Wei: Smile calmly.

Sheng Zhiming: ...

The barrage exploded.



Too shameless!

The opening remarks were filled with smoke and gunpowder.

Xue Hao: "The hottest topic these days is the dispute between you, Mr. Sheng and Wang Ruoyan. It's said on the Internet that when you were kidnapped, you told the kidnappers that you were not Mr. Sheng's girlfriend. Is that true?"

Ye Wei: "It's true. I was never Zhiming's girlfriend."

Xue Hao was surprised by Ye Wei's directness. This was better. He liked explosive topics: "But as far as I know, you and Mr. Sheng have a close relationship. You are not just ordinary friends."

Ye Wei: "Of course not. Mr. Sheng is handsome and rich. I am greedy, lustful and vain. Is it normal that I don't have any thoughts about him? Don't you think so?"

Xue Hao: "Yes."

Xue Hao: "But you distanced yourself from Mr. Sheng at a dangerous moment. Netizens say that you are unkind and too cold-blooded.

What do you think?"

Ye Wei waved her hand and said disapprovingly: "If I lose my life, what favors do I need?

Of course, saving my life is the most important thing."

Xue Hao: "..."


Ye Wei is shameless!

Damn, am I the only one who thinks what Ye Wei said makes sense?

Although Mr. Sheng is a playboy, he is handsome and rich. If I were him, I would not be able to help but have some feelings for him.

Yes, what's the point of having a bicycle if you have lost your life! Of course, saving your life is more important!

Who is more important, Mr. Sheng or your life?

Of course it's your life! What's the point of having a handsome man if you have lost your life!

Sheng Zhiming: ...

Sheng Zhiming's eyebrows jumped. He really didn't expect Ye Wei to dare to participate in the talk show so openly! She also admitted that she was greedy, lustful, vain and had feelings for him!


    The more infuriating thing is yet to come!

Xue Hao: "If you are given another chance to start over, will you block the knife for Young Master Sheng?"

Ye Wei said seriously with a deep face: "No.

After experiencing such a terrible thing, especially seeing Xiao Wang lying in a pool of blood without knowing whether he was dead or alive, I understand the preciousness of life even more, and I will cherish my life well."

Xue Hao: "That means you love yourself more, and only love yourself."

Ye Wei: "Yes, because I have understood a truth since I was a child. If you want others to love you, you must first love yourself. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect others to love you.


Xue Hao: "..." Yes.

Sheng Zhiming: ...

The barrage was collectively silent.

Ye Wei is poisonous, why do I think what she said makes sense?

Wang Ruoyan is indeed very brave to block the knife for Sheng Zhiming, but Ye Wei is also right not to block the knife. Don't use moral kidnapping, okay.

Ye Wei is making excuses for her selfishness again. It is because of Ye Wei that the little angel Ruoyan seems precious!

Xue Hao decided to reveal some cruel information: "Since you don't love Sheng Zhiming as much as Wang Ruoyan, why did you go to ask for forgiveness from Master Sheng after the danger was over? When Master Sheng ignored you, you threatened Wang Ruoyan to leave him?

You even hurt her. Aren't you too vicious?"

Ye Wei: "It's okay. Although I don't like Master Sheng to the point of being willing to die for him, I still like him. Isn't it normal to do something to get Master Sheng?"

Xue Hao said in a serious tone: "So you admit that you pushed Wang Ruoyan!"

As a vicious female supporting role, she can only quibble and cannot admit her mistakes: "Of course I didn't push her. After all, Xiao Wang is Zhiming's lifesaver. There are very few such pure and kind people in the world. We must protect her well.

If Master Sheng encounters danger again, she will need her."

Xue Hao: "..." Sheng

Zhiming: ...

The barrage fell into silence.

Xue Hao was shocked. He had interviewed so many people, but he had never seen someone like Ye Wei. She was so afraid of death and selfish that she was so calm. She was also a rare wonder in the world.

Xue Hao: "As far as I know, you have been out of work recently, your announcements have been cancelled, and the people you signed for endorsements have all been changed.

But even so, you still bring a few bodyguards and assistants with you wherever you go, and you usually don't let people get close to you. You like to act like a big shot. When

I saw you today, it seemed like that was true?"

The camera was directed to the four burly men standing aside.

Ye Wei sighed, "Yes, after going through such a terrible thing, I deeply realized that my life is the most important! With them, I feel safe."

Xue Hao: "..."

Xue Hao's mouth twitched: "Young Master Sheng is not as exaggerated as you." Ye

Wei shook her head. As a vicious female supporting role, she was also good at shifting the blame: "Yes, it's too dangerous to be around Young Master Sheng. I almost died because of him, and I really loved him."

Xue Hao: "..." Sheng

Zhiming: "..."

Netizens: "..."

    Chapter 9 The Cowardly Female Supporting Character (9)

Xue Hao found that he had met his match.

The place where he had lived since childhood was full of intrigues and deceptions. He had seen all kinds of people since childhood. No matter what kind of person they were, he could see all kinds of hypocrisy and calculations in the other person's eyes.

Only Ye Wei, this woman was so deep-minded that she was terribly deep-minded.

Because she was too frank, too frank and sincere, he could not see the slightest bit of scheming and calculation in her eyes.

She was too sincere, so sincere that people unconditionally believed that she was a cowardly, selfish and self-centered woman.

When Xue Hao realized this, he couldn't help but feel a twitch in his brain.

In this world, everyone wants to portray themselves as a strong, brave and kind person. Even if they have some little thoughts in their hearts, they will hide them and will not show their dark side to others.

Ye Wei was really good at it. In the face of the current predicament, she chose to cut off the firewood from the bottom and do the opposite. As expected, it caused a huge response!

Especially after Xue Hao saw the audience's reaction to this episode, many of them even changed from haters to fans, and they were more and more sure that Ye Wei was a very scheming woman.

He was careless.

He wanted to convict Ye Wei and give Wang Ruoyan a chance to vent her anger, but he didn't expect that he would become a stepping stone for Ye Wei and give her a chance to stand up again.

Xue Hao was so angry.

The staff ran over excitedly: "Mr. Xue, Mr. Xue, the number of views of this episode has exceeded 10 million, and the number of views is still growing linearly. It is the highest in our history! Ye Wei will create a new history for our "He's Coming"!"

Xue Hao's mouthful of blood stuck in his throat.

The staff didn't notice Xue Hao's abnormality and said excitedly: "Some viewers asked us when we would invite Ye Wei to come again. They said that they haven't watched enough of the 15-minute interview. It's like they are addicted. They have watched it several times! Mr. Xue, when will we invite Ye Wei to come again?"

Xue Hao: "..."

At the same time, topics such as #Ye Wei is shameless#, #Ye Wei really loved#, and #Is it wrong for Ye Wei to love herself# have become hot searches again.

Ye Wei's emoticons have a new theme.

Sheng Zhiming is not much better here. His face turns red and blue, blue and red, just like a broken street lamp. If Ye Wei is in front of him at this moment, he can slap her to death.

"Ye Wei is so idle recently? She

even watches such a low-end show!"

She is really idle, because Ye Wei has no work anymore, and everything is back to square one, so she has been interviewing in various crews. Of course, because she offended someone, there are no good roles for her. Almost all of them are supporting roles. They are not completely sincere. They just want to see Ye Wei make a fool of herself, or they want to use Ye Wei's popularity to hype.

For example, the small web drama "Pretty Woman" is like this. Ye Wei is deliberately asked to play a role that bullies the heroine and gets slapped in the face. Then, it is associated with the real situation to attract the audience's attention and save a wave of publicity costs.

Zhao Peng said, "Because of the popularity of "He's Coming", many interview programs want to invite Ye Wei, but Ye Wei refused them all. Instead, she auditioned for the crew of "The Devil Young Master Falls in Love with Me" and got a supporting role. She will join the crew in the next few days."

Sheng Zhiming said, "She is quite self-aware."

Zhao Peng lowered his head and said nothing.

Sheng Zhiming snorted. It was the first time that a woman made him so angry.

Liu Jia's mood these days was like riding a train. Originally, she wanted to walk away after watching Ye Wei finish recording "He's Coming", but she didn't expect that the audience's reaction was not bad?

Someone actually spoke to Ye Wei.

Originally, Ye Wei was not a murderer, nor was she in the same group as the kidnappers. Why should she be blackened by the whole network for not blocking the knife for Sheng Zhiming?

Even if she was afraid of death and cleared her relationship with Sheng Zhiming, it was just a problem of character. How could she be sentenced to death for this?

These stupid netizens still think they are angels.

Liu Jia thought that this self-deprecating route was pretty good. She could try it out and create a "real" persona for Ye Wei. Maybe she could make a comeback.

She was thinking about how to use the self-deprecating persona, and soon her assistant sent her a message with a sad face.

"Sister Liu, check Weibo!"

Liu Jia suddenly had a bad feeling. She opened Weibo and found that Ye Wei was hung up again!

It turned out that Ye Wei replied to a few comments on Weibo that she thought she could get by using the self-deprecating route.

Ye Wei: To be honest, what kind of self-deprecation is that.

Ye Wei: I didn't expect Xiao Wang to be so good.

I actually lost such a precious friend for Mr. Sheng.


Ye Wei: I really want to be friends with Xiao Wang. It's so safe.

Is it you who doesn't want to?


Ye Wei is so disgusting. She is so unpopular and uses our little angel Ruoyan to hype herself up all day long! Am I the only one

who feels that Ye Wei is really sorry? It's

a pity if it's me. It's so nice to have a friend who is willing to stick up for you!

Why do I feel that Ye Wei seems to have really paid a lot for Mr. Sheng?

For someone like her to give so much, it must be true love.

Ye Wei is so stingy, but she actually caused Sheng Zhiming to lose such a precious friend. It must be true love. Is

there any truth in the above?

In fact, Ye Wei almost died because of

Sheng Zhiming is dead. He finally came back alive, but he was not blessed and was scolded by the whole network. Now he has offended people and lost his job. It's pretty miserable.

It seems to be true. Do I think Sheng Zhiming is unkind?

Ye Wei, get out of the entertainment industry.

Ye Wei, you scheming bitch, please stay away from our little angel Ruoyan!

With this, the public opinion that had improved a little began to be one-sided again.

Liu Jia: "..."

Liu Jia: "Ye Wei! Can't you just be quiet?"

Ye Wei: She doesn't want to work so hard. Who made the vicious female supporting role not die and not go offline?

Wang Ruoyan is now the darling of the "Harem" crew. She has Sheng Zhiming as her backer behind her and Zhou Jia as her escort in front of her. She is like a fish in water in the crew and is carefully protected. Even the director dare not say a harsh word to her.

Wang Ruoyan did not become arrogant because of this. Instead, she became more humble and gentle. She worked hard on filming and often treated the entire crew to afternoon tea or supper. She had a very good reputation, which often made others sigh that Sheng Zhiming must have accumulated eight lifetimes of blessings to meet a good girl like Wang Ruoyan.

When the scandal between Sheng Zhiming and Wang Ruoyan first broke out, some people scolded Wang Ruoyan as a gold digger and a mistress who interfered with the relationship between Sheng Zhiming and Ye Wei. Unexpectedly, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse. Wang Ruoyan was not a mistress, nor a gold digger who coveted wealth and glory. Instead, she was the one who was willing to "go through life and death" for Sheng Zhiming.

On the contrary, Ye Wei was the woman who coveted Sheng Zhiming's money and power.

Wang Ruoyan and Sheng Zhiming became recognized as true love inside and outside the circle.

Now that Wang Ruoyan and Sheng Zhiming are called together, it naturally caused an uproar again, and both parties were puzzled.

Wang Ruoyan didn't understand how she became the "precious friend" in Ye Wei's mouth, and Sheng Zhiming didn't understand when he became "the culprit for Ye Wei losing a precious friend"?

At that time, Wang Ruoyan just returned to the hospital to change the medicine, and Sheng Zhiming accompanied her.

Wang Ruoyan saw Sheng Zhiming's cold expression and thought he was angry, and couldn't help but said: "Zhiming, it's okay, if Ye Wei wants to make a fuss, let her make a fuss.

We just need to ignore her."

Sheng Zhiming's face became uglier and uglier. After leaving the hospital, he asked Zhao Peng to notify Ye Wei and asked her to come to see him immediately.

Zhao Peng couldn't help but light a candle for Ye Wei, and Ye Wei was miserable!

Of course Ye Wei also succeeded. Look, didn't this attract the attention of Mr. Sheng.

Who knew that when he called, Ye Wei actually refused directly?

Ye Wei: "Please, help me put in a good word with Master Sheng. I promise not to cause trouble to Xiao Wang, not to use Wang to hype myself, and not to be friends with Xiao Wang. I will be as low-key as if I have disappeared from the world!"

Ye Wei: "I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong! I will never dare to do it again, I will never dare to do it again..."

"I hope Master Sheng will be magnanimous and forgive me this time!"

Zhao Peng sneered, and he seemed to be quite self-aware.

He conveyed Ye Wei's original words to Sheng Zhiming, and he was quite satisfied: "Don't worry, Mr. Sheng, Ye Wei said that she will not overestimate her own abilities and provoke Miss Ruoyan again."

Sheng Zhiming: "..."

    Chapter 10 The Cowardly Female Supporting Character (10)

Ye Wei really stopped making trouble for a while, and even the news

about her became less frequent. Not to mention the majority of netizens, even Sheng Zhiming rarely heard about Ye Wei anymore... and no one was so tactless as to mention Ye Wei in front of him... She really seemed to have disappeared from the world.

She no longer showed off with four bodyguards, nor did she reply to netizens' hot comments online. She was incredibly quiet.

Even the netizens who often followed her were a little uncomfortable, and they speculated on the reason for Ye Wei's disappearance.

It must be Master Sheng who did it!

Who made Ye Wei so good at making trouble? She provoked Wang Ruoyan and offended Master Sheng. I guess Master Sheng must have done something in private, so Ye Wei didn't dare to come out and jump around.

I think so too. Ye Wei was so excessive, and now she still wants to use the little angel Ruoyan to get promoted. Master Sheng will definitely not let her go!

Do I think Sheng Zhiming is too self-righteous? He was banned from the Internet just because Ye Wei didn't risk her life to save him. Now he has lost his job and is being scolded by netizens. Who does he think he is?

Why should he risk his life for you?

It's not easy for my parents to raise me. I can't wait to cherish my life. Anyway, I won't give up my life for a man.

The Internet trolls hired by Ye Wei upstairs?

Ye Wei is so miserable. She has lost her job and is threatened by Young Master Sheng. It seems that she will never make a comeback in this life.

Young Master Sheng is indeed famous for being ruthless! I admire him!

Young Master Sheng did a great job!

Young Master Sheng is mighty!

Sheng Zhiming:?

His face was dark. These netizens are too idle.

Wang Ruoyan even came to him specially, saying that he didn't need to deal with Ye Wei for him. Anyway, no matter how much trouble she made, it would not cause any loss to her. Just turn a blind eye and let it go. Don't be unhappy because of Ye Wei's matter. "Zhiming, thank you for doing so much for me."

Sheng Zhiming: "..."

Zhao Peng said on the side: "Ye Wei is to blame for it. Miss Ruoyan, don't blame yourself."

Sheng Zhiming: "..."

He looked at Zhao Peng. Zhao Peng was panicked by his deep face and kept muttering in his heart. He didn't do anything wrong or say anything wrong, right?

After thinking about it, he didn't think he did anything wrong. Well, it seems that it was still Ye Wei's fault.

After a few days, Ye Wei was as quiet as ever, and Sheng Zhiming was really a little uncomfortable.

He rarely clicked on Ye Wei's Weibo and found that the comments on her last updated Weibo were more than five million. He clicked it and saw a lot of scolding.

The scolding on the Internet is often sharper and more unpleasant than in reality, because it is separated by the Internet, but it is more unscrupulous.

In addition to scolding Ye Wei for being hypocritical and selfish, some people even insulted her directly, calling her a slut and a whore, worse than a prostitute.

Sheng Zhiming's face darkened. He only knew that Ye Wei was attacked by the entire network, but he didn't expect it to be so ugly, as if Ye Wei had dug up their ancestors' graves.

Seeing Ye Wei's reply to the comments on the Internet, he originally thought that she was just fooling around, but at this moment he suddenly felt that she must be extremely strong in her heart. She can still have such a mentality under the multiple blows of career and life, which is also incomparable to ordinary people. On

the other hand, Ye Wei, who had been quiet for a few days, finally joined the crew.

"The Devil Master Falls in Love with Me" is a small web drama adapted from a novel. The male and female protagonists in the play are college students who have just graduated from the Film and Television Academy. They are still newcomers who have not acted in many dramas. To be honest, Ye Wei, the supporting role, is the most famous and big-name artist in the crew.

Early in the morning of this day, Ye Wei was escorted into the crew by four bodyguards.

Sister Liu saw that not only the bodyguards around Ye Wei had a headache, but she also had a headache when she saw Ye Wei. She put on a cold face and didn't look good to her: "Finish the filming well, and don't make trouble, understand?

You have to understand that with your current situation, it's good to have a filming, and don't be picky."

Ye Wei patted her chest and promised: "Don't worry, I promise not to cause trouble."

Who knew that just as Sister Liu left, she heard that the news of "Ye Wei's evil deeds will be punished" was on the headlines again?

Because Ye Wei is the focus of attention and the focus of the majority of netizens, the news of "Ye Wei's retribution in this life" caused an uproar as soon as it was released!

Sheng Zhiming was fortunate to be the first wave of spectators.

The photos should have been taken secretly. There are a total of nine consecutive pictures. Ye Wei, who was wearing a long skirt and big waves, was in a mess. Her body was dirty and full of cakes, even on her hair. She sat on the ground alone, lonely, with four bodyguards standing beside her.

The heroine Su Chen, who was standing on the side, was surrounded by the crowd at the moment. Some were putting on makeup, some were tidying up their hair, and some were tidying up their clothes. The comparison between the two made Ye Wei look even more miserable.

According to an insider, when Ye Wei joined the crew, she brought four bodyguards with her. She thought she was the heroine and a big star, but who knew that she would be miserable during the filming.

She was treated so badly, and more than a dozen cakes were thrown on her. Tsk tsk tsk, I heard that there was a scene of falling into the water later. I don't know if she can hold on.

By the way, I heard that Ye Wei's entry into "The Devil Master Falls in Love with Me" was also deliberately arranged. It seems that she had offended someone before, but she didn't dare to trouble her because of Mr. Sheng. Now Mr. Sheng hates her... You get it, right?

It is said that there must be something hateful about pitiful people. This is true. As soon

as the photo came out, not only Ye Wei became popular, but also "The Devil Master Falls in Love with Me".

Netizens were lively again.

Ye Wei is so miserable, has she fallen to the point of playing a supporting role in an 18th-tier web drama?

Ye Wei is so miserable, she still insists on filming even at this point, I think she must really like acting.

Am I the only one who is curious about who wants to make trouble for Ye Wei?

Ye Wei is pretending to be pitiful to gain sympathy again, don't be fooled by her. Are

you tired of the news about Ye Wei every day?

Sheng Zhiming has such a vicious heart!

Sheng Zhiming is really scary, worthy of being a businessman!

Sheng Zhiming: ...

He looked at Ye Wei in the photo, and his face couldn't help but become colder.

Ye Wei has always been perfect in front of him. She has extremely high requirements for herself, and she is meticulous in her clothes, dressing, and makeup. Especially when facing him, she doesn't like to have any flaws.

Now that she has been made like this, I'm afraid she is going crazy.

It is said that you have to look at the owner when beating a dog. Treating Ye Wei like this obviously doesn't take him seriously!

Liu Jia was almost mad with anger, and he cursed the entire crew. After cursing the crew, he cursed the assistant for doing nothing, and then cursed the bodyguard for taking the money but not doing anything. Finally, he started to curse Ye Wei, "I see you always scolding everyone, why aren't you scolding today?

And still being bullied like this? "

Ye Wei had just finished taking a shower and was lying on the sofa happily to check her work progress today. Netizens were still very supportive: "It's necessary for the plot."

Liu Jia sometimes felt that Ye Wei was too smart, and sometimes she felt that she was too stupid. "This is obviously a deliberate trick on you. Are you stupid and can't you see it?" You

can see it. What can't you see?

Ye Wei is so smart, how can you not see it?

The plot of the vicious female supporting role has come to this point. She has been too vicious and arrogant. It's time to bear the consequences.

Otherwise, how can we show that evil will be punished and have a perfect ending?

Now it's finally the plot of her dying in poverty!

She finally ushered in the fruits of victory!

Thinking about this, Ye Wei was a little excited.

Because one of the investors behind the "Devil" crew was the bald, toothless, beer-bellied old man who had coveted her beauty. Now that she has lost Sheng Zhiming's support, he will naturally not let her go. He is

also the culprit who killed the original owner.
