
I roll over to the other side of my bed and see my phone blown up with notifications. I see Weston's text, picking up the phone while reading and I gasp omg Weston I say.
Text Messaging:
Me: Omg Weston Sorry I was sleeping
Weston: You hate me
Me: No I don't why will I hate you
Weston: I bet your using me for shoutouts and followers huh?
Me: Babe no I love you for you your not like anyone else
Weston: :(
Me: I'll ttyl go to the school ground now ok
Weston: Okay
I grab my jacket and I put on my shoes and grab my cell phone. Mom I'm taking this dog for a walk. “ok be home by 9” says mom. I grab some money and the house keys shove them in my pocket and I hold the dog leash and I finally get on the bike and peddle. I finally arrive at the school ground I stop and freeze completely. Omg I can't believe it! I see Weston with another girl. My eyes tear up I turn around no I'm not like this I hold the leash and walk up to Weston tearless. Weston's eyes get big hey.
Me: Weston if you wanna break up you should've just told me
Weston: Wait... What are you talking about
Me: I saw you blushing and oh no
Weston: What
Me: Im jealous if you don't like me I'll stay out your life forever
( I walk away with tears in my eyes)
Weston pulls me back I pull away from Weston I get on my bike with my dog and peddle home as fast as I could. The girl was just still there flirting with Weston. Weston stands there like he just got his heart torn out. I jump off the bike take the leash off and run straight past my mom to my room. I sit on my bed and I block Weston's number from my contacts.
I get a text from a unknown number
- hey
Me- who is this???
- linsey the girl from the park
Me- oh how'd you get my number?
- Weston
Me- oh
- yes he told me what happened r u ok
Me- ya thanks I gtg ttyl
- ok bye
I save her number into my phone as Linsey☺.
I get on my penguin onesies and get into bed and fall asleep. I dream about a dream guy....
