28 | Half Apology

You guys, I'm running out of chapters to publish... I can't keep doing this if you're soon quick to get the votes in! And I'm always busy so I can't always write! So I'm raising it a lot and if we don't make it, I'll update on Saturday's only. Still love you all for all this support!

A Little Unsteady: 28 | Half Apology
| Laura Marano |

"Hey, is Ross almost done with business calls?" I ask Ellington. I set my huge bag down on the floor by the kitchen table where he was making everybody sandwiches. Ellington looks up at me and shakes his head.

"He's still on one and him and Rocky have two more and Riker has one more after them." He tells me. "Do you want one?" He asks, pointing to all the sandwich stuff he had out. I check the time on the microwave, frowning when it read 12:28pm. "When do you have to be at Calum's?" He asks.

"I should probably leave now." I mumble. "Um... can you let Ross know that I left for Calum's and that I'll tell them he's busy for now?" I say, grabbing my bag off the ground. "And... actually, have him text me when he can." Ellington nod she's head with a thumbs up before he spreads more mayo on the bread. "Thank you!" I shout, making my wha towards Ross' bedroom. I set my bag down and grab my makeup bag and put it in his room along with my fresh box of contacts and my hair brush. Sighing, I put my glasses by my contacts and walk back out.

"Where's Ross?" Calum asks, inviting me in. Raini was seated on his couch and looking through a shit ton of cds or dvds or whatever the hell she was looking through.

"He's taking business calls with the band so he'll be here a little later." I reply, setting my purse down on his table. "He said he'd text me when he leaves." I add, now sitting by Raini and giving her a massive hug. I could they were a bit bummed, Ross was the one who made the plans after all. "But, in the mean time... you guys wanna hear my single?" I ask, a smile growing on my face. Both of them cheer together and congratulate me, causing the happiness to bubble everywhere in me.

"Wait, shouldn't we wait for Ross to hear it?" Raini asks. Shaking my head, I take out my phone.

"He heard it a few days ago when I played it for his family." I tell her, clicking on the file. They both raise their eyebrows at me. "I hang out with them a lot, okay?" I mumble, trying my best to act innocent. They both roll their eyes and I scrunch up my nose. "We'll talk about it later." I add, knowing they know I somewhat lied about the hanging out all the time. For awhile, the three of us hung out and laughed, watched old videos of Austin Moon music videos, messed around and teased each other, ordered Chinese food for later, retold stories, and even decided that we'd make chocolate chip cookies later. Well, Ross would.

"Has Ross texted you?" Calum asks, checking the time. He was suppose to be here at one, and it's four. I chuckle and nod my head, opening up our messages to tell them what he said. Well I'll leave some parts out. "He said, leaving in ten. Rocky is taking me." I left out even more, considering it went on to talk about how Riker didn't trust Ross driving by himself and blah blah blah, the usual.

"How long ago was that?" Raini asks.

"About a half- oh, he's walking up the steps." I reply. "I'll go find him." I quickly say, rushing to the front door. I don't bother putting my shoes back on before I made my way down the hallway to find Ross. I was almost by the stairs when I saw Ross appear. "Ross!" I whisper yell. He looks up from his phone and gives me a small smile.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks, pulling me in for a hug. I was surprised when he gave me tight squeeze and even rocked us back and forth.

"We're telling Raini and Calum about us, right?" I ask, only pulling away so my eyes could gaze into his. My arms stayed around his neck while his stay around my upper back. "Because they're already suspicious about us." I quietly say. "And before you say I can't keep my damn mouth shut, I didn't even say-" He cuts me off with a kiss pressed against my lips. A small smile forms on my face as I kiss him back gently and pull away. "What was that for?" I ask.

"A half apology." He whispers. "I'm sorry for being pissy with you last night." He says, closing his eyes. "I just don't like the thought of not having you in bed beside me. I just don't like the fact I can't survive without you. So I'm really sorry for everything. Rydel already told me I'm getting sent to my aunt and uncle's Friday night, and Gus is meant to sleep with me in the guest room."

"Yeah, she texted me like right before you walked up the stairs." I say. "And it's okay, I understand it. But I'll FaceTime you, Ross. I'll call you and text you, I promise." I tell him. He nods slowly. "We're gonna do a live stream in a little as well." I add.

"Okay." He whispers. "So we're telling Raini and Calum right away?" He asks, running his fingers through his hair.

"If that's okay..." I trail off. "We don't have to uh, tell them about anything else but.... yeah." I mumble. He nods his head slowly. "Do you not want to tell them?" I ask, stopping us from walking down the hallway.

"No! No, I don't care who knows. I'm just a little nervous, that's all." He says, shrugging his shoulders. "But we're good, right? Like, you're not pissed with me and I'm not pissed with you?" He asks.

"I mean, I'm a little upset, but not enough to ignore you and not be near you." He frowns. "Ross, I'll be fine later. It's just still in me, I guess. It's like a normal fight, okay? Relationships have fights, it's healthy." I quietly say, hoping to convince him enough. And I'm not lying, I am upset with him, definitely not as much as I was last night, but it's still in there.

"I'm sorry." He says. "I really am."

"I know you are." I reply. "And I forgive you, Ross. Now let's go inside and have a fun, laughable night with our best friends." He slowly nods his head as he looks away from my eyes. "Hey, look at me." I watch as he swallows before making eye contact with me. "I love you, okay?" I say, cupping the sides of his face. He leans his head into my hands and closes his eyes. "Tonight, you and I can do something. Or tomorrow we can, just the two of us." I add. He nods his head a little bit.

"Anything we want?" He asks.

"Anything we want." I reply. He slowly starts to smile and I laugh a bit. "I know what you're thinking." I say, taking my hands off his face. He smirks at me.

"Well, you did say anything." He says, the smirk still on his face. Rolling my eyes, I lightly nudge his side and lead us towards Calum's door. When we got inside, the two of them looked at us with smirks.

"What took so long? The two of you making out out there?" Calum asks. At the same time, Ross says yes and I say no. I raise my eyebrows at look up at his face.

"We didn't make out." I say, a little bit confused. Ross raises his hands up in surrender.

"But we did kiss." He informs them.

"For like two seconds." I add, shrugging my shoulders. "Anyways, when are we doing the livestream?" I ask, sitting down beside Raini on the couch. Ross looks at me with narrowed eyes as he sits beside Calum.

"So what happened to Andrew then?" Raini asks.

"Asswipe." Ross grunts. All three of us look at Ross.

"Things weren't working out. We were too different in way too many ways and... he just never treated me right, I guess." Shrugging my shoulders.

"Then what made the two of you hang out so much and get together?" Calum asks, looking between Ross and I.

"After the get together at her house... I stayed later and we talked. I don't know, it took awhile to actually get to the point of asking her to be my girlfriend, but we did hang out literally everyday." Ross explains. "Like, we've only been together for ten days." He adds.

"Oh, so this is very recent." Calum mumbles. Ross and I both nod. "Laura, switch places with me." Furrowing my eyebrows, I do as he says and sit down in his spot between Ross and Raini.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask, looking at Calum.

"So you could sit next to Ross." He flat out says. I smile a bit and mouth thank you before saying my next words. "So when are we actually doing the livestream?" I ask. "Because, we tweeted awhile ago for it saying it'd be within the next couple hours."

"We can start now, I guess. Do you still remember how to work it?" Raini asks, looking at Ross.

"I think?" He questions, grabbing the laptop. "What account are we using?" Ross asks, going onto the website thingy.

"The AustinandAllyCast account." Calum replies. "Everybody tweet it out." He quickly adds. I grab my phone from the coffee table and grab Ross' from his pocket so I could tweet out on both.

"I don't remember the password." Ross says. "Do you guys remember it?"

"With was Keath and then Kevin's phone number without area code." Chuckling, I remember the reason behind the password. We didn't want it to be extremely long, so we combined Heath and Kevin's names and decided to use Kevin's phone number because we all could memorize his better than Heath's.

@lauramarano: Old A&A livestream on YouNow starting in less than five minutes!!!! We're using the AustinandAllyCast account!

@rossR5: A&A livestream over on YouNow on the AustinandAllyCast account. Tune in and ask us questions!

I give Ross his phone back as he was typing away on something.

"No blurting our relationship out, okay?" Ross says, overlong over the live button.

"Can we tease the subject?" Raini asks, looking between Ross and I. "You know, like the good ole days?" I look at Ross and shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah, sure." Raini smiles and fixes her hair right as Ross clicks the live button. He waits a few seconds before putting the laptop in the middle of the coffee table so they could see all of it. I quickly tweet that it's live and then say hi into the camera.

"Hi, you guys!" I say, waving. "It's been soooo long since we've done this." I add, fixing my hair a bit.

"Can you all hear is?" Calum asks, getting closer to the screen. "Because if not, blame Ross."

"What the fuck, man!" Ross says jokingly.

"Hey hey hey, cussing at a minimum boys. Not all of us are fond of the cursing." I say. Raini laughs beside me. "Boy, am I right?" I add, winking into the camera.

"So, how is everybody? You all enjoying your Saturday?" Raini asks.

"Wait, you guys should ask us questions over on twitter with the hashtag... um... the hashtag Austin and Ally?" Ross questions. "Yeah hashtag Austin and Ally." He clarifies. I give him a small smile. "Don't stare too long." He whispers. "Because then they'll know." He teases, smiling a little. Playfully rolling my eyes, I nudge his side. I grab my phone and search up the hashtag along with Raini.

"Okay, so Patsyfaye_32 wants to know... what's our favorite thing to do when we're all together?" Raini asks all of us. "Probably what we're doing right now. All hanging out and just talking in general." She says.

"And laughing. Laughing is by far the best thing." I say, winking again.

"Well Laura laughs at anything, but yeah. Just hanging out in general." Ross says, putting his arm on the back of the couch. "Calum, you agree, buddy?"

"Yup, buddy." Chuckling a little, I look at Raini with a smile. "Boyfriend goals, I know." Calum says, smiling while pretending to flip his hair over his shoulder. All of us end up laughing, per usual.

"Um... _LauraMarie_ asks who did you miss the most out of the group. And she also said we can't say all in parentheses." I say, sucking in my breath. Who wants to go first?" I ask.

• so it was getting long, so the rest of the live stream will be next chapter!!! love you guys so so so so much for all the insane support so please be sure to follow the two users above to give them just as much support to them as you do to me. please be sure to vote, comment a sweet sweet sweet comment, and follow me! 230 votes and 80 comments to unlock the next chapter. love you, babes💜

Question: Ever been in a physical fight?
Answer: No I'm weak 😂

Sneak peak of chapter 29:

"Well, since apparently Ross and I aren't enough for me, I have a girlfriend of... eh, five or six years. Celesta, you all know her. She's the one who hung out with Courtney while Ross and I hung out." He explains.

"Aye, R5lover_rauralover asks what we think about Rydellington. Well, considering she's my older sister, they gross me out a lot. But she is my sister so I'm happy they're together. So I love them." Ross explains.

"So. Effing. Cute." I say.

"Adorable." Raini says.

"Goals." Calum says, a huge smile on his face. "Oooo, look at this one. LauriannCamir wants to know if Ross and Laura ever thoughr about going on tour together, as R5 and Laura Marano. I like this question." Ross leans his elbow on my shoulder and puts his body weight o to me as he itches his chin with his hand.

