C17: A Show About Death

I burst into Virgil's room with excitement "Virgil!" I cried.

VIrgil let out a startled yelp and fell out of his desk chair. "Gosh Pat," he groaned as he sat up "did you have to yell?"

"Sorry!" I said as I quickly helped him up. "I'm just really excited."

"Yeah... Me too."

Looking over my foster brother I frowned "Virgil, why aren't you wearing the onesie I got you?" Then a thought occurred to me "do you not like it?"

"No no I do!" Virgil assured me "I just want to make sure... are you sure that you want me to but in on your movie night?"

"Of course!" I said "you are part of the group now and we want you to join us."

Virgil gave me a small smile at that "okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. I just need to change super quick.

Grabbing the clothing item from his bed and slipped into the bathroom, when he came out Virgil was wearing the skeleton onesie I had gotten for him.

I smiled "you look great V!"

Virgil gave me a small smile "thanks."


Patton and I headed down to the living room, Logan and Roman were already sitting on the couch. Roman was wearing his Beauty and the Beast onesie and Logan was wearing his unicorn onesie.

"Right then" Patton said, as we sat down on the couch. Pulling up the hood of his cat onesie "since this is Virgil's first movie night with us he gets to pick the movie."

"So, what movie do you want to watch Virgil?" Logan asked.

I paused, thinking it over before I smirked "Beetlejuice."

"Like... the musical?" Roman asked "I mean, I'm sure I can find a bootleg of it somewhere."

I shock my head "no, I'm talking about the 1988 Tim Burton movie."

"Ah! You mean the movie that the musical was based on." Roman turned to Patton "do you have it?"

"Let me check" Patton went over to the cupboard that held the DVDs and began to sort through them "yup! It's right here."

"Sweet." I grinned as Patton got it set up "I've always wanted to see this movie."

"Have you listened to the musical's soundtrack?" Roman asked.

"Of course." I said "it's amazing."

After that Roman and I started talking about our favorite musicals. Roman like just about every musical there was, I'm more of a fan of musicals with darker themes. Like Heathers, Beeltejucie, and Bat Boy.


Around an hour and a half later the credits began to roll and I turned to Patton. "So, what did you think?"

Patton shrugged, I could tell he was a bit horrified by some of the more darker parts "it was okay."

I turned to Logan next "it was definitely interesting."

"I liked it!" Roman declared "you can see the similarities between both the movie and the musical."

"Yes," Logan agreed "I was doing some reading on the musical when it first came out and that is one thing that the creators tried to do. They wanted the two to be similar but not the same."

"I like the costumes" Patton piped up "and the Matildas seemed nice."

We all spent maybe another half an hour talking and discussing how the movie compared to the musical. They would have talked longer if Thomas didn't come back downstairs and send Logan and Roman home. Once they were gone Patton and I headed upstairs to get ready for bed.

I changed out of my onesie and into my pajamas and slipped into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Patton was already in there for the same thing.

"So what did you think of movie night?" Patton asked.

As I rinsed out my mouth I thought it over. I had to admit that as crazy and weird as it was, movie night was a lot of fun. I really hope that I would be able to stay long enough to join in on next month's movie night.

"It was a lot of fun," I said, "thanks for inviting me."

"Of course!" Patton smiled "you're part of the group now."

I stood there in shock as Patton finished up and left the bathroom before I could say anything. Never in a million years did I think I would actually gain a group of friends, especially after I was put in the system and forced to leave Remy. In all my past homes I never tried to get close to anyone, it hadn't been until I started seeing Dr. Picani that I realized that I was too scared to get close to anyone after Janus.

I feel like if it was with anyone else I would be scared at this newfound friendship with Patton, Roman, and Logan. But I found that I didn't really mind, in fact... I'm starting to enjoy it. 


A/N: I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter. So sorry that I took me so long to post, I just started my second semester of college and got a bit busy. 

For those of you wondering, yes, this chapter is shorter than most. The reason for that is because it doesn't really contribute much to the main storyline, I mostly wrote it to show how far Virgil has come since Chapter One. 

The chapter tittle is from 'The Whole Being Dead Thing' from Beetlejuice: the musical  I thought it made since because their watching Beetlejuice (the movie). 

Take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals. PEACE OUT!

