
"Mar'i, it's time to-" Dick was cut off as he walked into his daughter's bed room to see her still in bed. Usually she would be jumping around.

He got closer and then saw she was still sleeping. Her nose and cheeks were red and she was sweating.. His baby girl was sick. He put his hand on her forehead gently, trying not to wake her. "Baby.."

At the sound of his voice, she rolled over and opened her bloodshot eyes, "daddy? -coughs- I don't feel so good," he smoothed out her hair. "I know, baby. You'll be ok"

Dick called in sick to work that day and didn't go on patrol. Instead, he spent the day making soup, warming hot water bottles and playing board games and watching My Little Pony. (All seventy episodes).

At night when his daughter could barely keep her eyes open and he had just read her a book. He got up to leave but her small arm rapped around his sleeve. He looked down at her. "C-can you stay with me tonight?" Dick nodded and cuddled his daughter as she fell asleep in his arms.

"Love you, Mar'i"
"I love you too, daddy"

The next day Mar'i had to stay off school. Instead, she spent the day making soup, warming hot water bottles, playing board games and watching My Little Pony
