ISTP edition

Some words of an ISTP

-We can pinpoint almost everyone in the room, yet somehow we are invisible.

-For someone without a plan, we sure know where and how we have to go.

ISTP on Altruism

-"I am not altruistic. I feel it is illogical and paradoxical. I am very "do unto others." I am kind of an asshole, or as I like to call it, I'm "brutally honest." The problem with my "do unto others" mentality is that if I am completely selfless and put other people's happiness ahead of my own, I would be expecting the same from them - which results in no one being happy, because we're all focused on keeping each other happy, but then no one is happy because we're all focused on keeping other people happy (infinite loop yaaaaaaaay!).
I much prefer the "keep yourself happy without fucking up other people's shit" mentality. With a good dose of helping others when possible."

ISTP Random Facts/Observations

•conventional, sometimes stylish, forms of dress. While their Ti is concerned with functionality and practicality, their Se and Fe are attuned to the trendy and popular.

•may have either a lanky or muscular build. While athletic engagement often keeps them fit throughout their childhood, their love for food (Se) may lead to problems with weight in adulthood.

•exhibit higher levels of physical energy and stamina than many other types, example Kobe Bryant as ISTP

•Because of their preference for hands-on activities, ISTPs may underperform in academic settings.

•ISTP school children are more likely to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD than some of the other types. ISTP students who can set their focus on a particular career goal or endpoint, such as becoming a surgeon, are apt to fare better.

•At times, the inwardly focused and intentional nature of Ti can lead ISTPs to mistype themselves as ISTJs. In so doing, they rightly recognize their inner Judging nature, but wrongly conclude that they must be a J-type. They fail to recognize that the J-P label refers only to outward demeanor and behavior. This may partly explain the underrepresentation of ISTPs in demographic data- rather than being 5% of the population, it's very possibly closer to 8% due to mistyping as ISTJ's.

•genuinely enjoys the company of their friends, and needs their input in his or her physical world to maintain their understanding of their own place in the world

•The ISTP is VERY difficult to know and an unusual character type. Their areas of interest tend to be mechanical and physical rather than artistic like those of ISFPs, and unlike most SPs they do not present an impression of constant activity.
