20 | phantom

record 20...AUGUST 8

3:12 PM

LEVI IS JOLTED from her nap, nearly tumbling off of the living room sofa and to the carpet. She blinks away the last vestiges of sleep from her tired eyes, gaze darting around the trailer. Another set of strident knocks sound when she fails to answer quickly enough and finally, she pushes herself up onto wobbly feet.

She pulls the door open without looking, already knowing exactly who was coming over today.

"Hey Minni," she greets groggily, smoothing the wrinkles from her shirt. She squints in the afternoon light outside, eyes watering as she shields her eyes from the sunlight.

"Sleeping in again, huh?" Minni asks incredulously, a strange look in her eyes. Pity? Judgement? "It's three in the afternoon."

Levi rolls her eyes as she pushes out an exaggerated yawn, stepping to the side. "Yeah. Come in. I'll help you with that essay like I promised."

Levi used to write. She had been an overachiever and always had the best grades out of her small graduating class. Especially when it came to English courses. She used to love it, eat it up. She liked the idea of escaping her tiny town, her reality, and fleeing to some world constructed in her imagination. But after all of that was snatched from her, she just wanted her normal back. Wanted Maya back. Her mother back. Her aunt back.

She used to think that words on a page could express everything, they could live long on after she could. But no words could ever capture Maya's essence, her bright smile and optimism. The way she turned thunderstorms into rainbows. Words could only try and they fell short every damn time.

Minni makes no attempt to move, an eyebrow raised as she looks Levi up and down, noticing the bags lining her bloodshot eyes.

"Actually, I think you really need the sleep. I can figure it out."

"Hey, I'm fine," Levi insists unconvincingly. "You said that you needed to get the essay done. I can help."

Minni shakes her head, her choppy bangs hanging before her eyes. "You saw the news right? They caught that guy, the dentist." Her voice goes soft, hesitant. "I know how the killings were affecting you. Just rest up for a while, m'kay?"

Damn is she that obvious? She hasn't been getting much sleep over the last few days, even with the murderer arrested and peace restored to the cape. The jailing of Dr. Henry Wellston doesn't bring the girls back. It doesn't bring Maya back. It doesn't stop the images of their glassy, dead eyes staring at her from replaying every time she lays down to sleep.

Levi sighs. "Alright, but I'll make it up to you next time."

She wants Minni to succeed. The girl has a good head on her shoulders, smart and quiet. The cape is no place for a girl like her. It would eat her up and spit out her corpse without any remorse.

"Good," she replies gently, a small smile spreading over her face. Her expression melts into one of surprise as she hands over a stack of envelopes. "Oh, and by the way, I grabbed the mail for you."

"Thanks. You're my favorite." Levi flips through some of the envelopes quickly, nothing immediately catching her attention.

There is a mischievous twinkle lighting Minni's eyes, a smirk splitting her lips. Levi straightens at the sight of it. "Are you sure? I thought for sure it would be that officer you've been hanging around lately."

Levi stops flipping through the mail, freezing completely. Her eyes meet Minni's teasing gaze. She tries desperately to ignore the flood of warmth that rushes up her neck. "How do you know about that?"

She shrugs. "You let him in while I was here once. Even if you hadn't, it's Cape Freewell. Naia saw you two come into the toy store during her shift. Amit has said a few things about it too. Granted, they weren't all nice."

"Nosy gossips," Levi mutters under her breath.

"He's cute. I think he's good for you."

Levi decides that she does not like the direction this conversation is going. Her voice comes out thin. "Yeah, okay. I think I'll take that nap now."

Minni chuckles to herself. "Alright. See you later, Levi."

Levi heaves a sigh once the door is closed, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She could have gone without the reminder of Seonghwa, embarrassment flaring in her chest at the thought of their last meeting. They both had fallen asleep under the tent, but he would have woken up alone. Levi fled as soon as she woke.

Why did she have to go and kiss him? It was just a stupid peck on the cheek and yet the memory of it never fails to make her feel shy, like a child with a dumb crush.

She gulps, trying not to think too hard on her own feelings before tossing the mail onto one of the kitchen counters as she reads each one. There is one from Tyra McKinney and Levi immediately throws it aside, the envelope feeling as though it scorches her fingertips.

She does not want to hear a single word from that woman. She abandoned her, left her to the wolves, too busy fueling her drug addiction to give a shit about her other child left behind after Maya's passing.

The rest of the mail is just bills with the exception of one simple envelope addressed to Levi McKinney in bold, handwritten lettering. She squints at it for a moment, trying to work out who would have sent her something other than Tyra. When no reasonable answer comes, she tears into it, drawing out a folded piece of lined paper.

A letter.

To my dearest Levi McKinney,

Did you enjoy the fireworks? No worries, the show is not over just yet. My next appearance will be for you. See you then.


5:03 PM

"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do for you," Amit says, lips in a grim line.

"What do you mean there's nothing you can do? Look at the letter again," she practically begs, waving the crumpled piece of paper in front of his eyes. Her hands shake. "That's a threat."

"I can't prove that it was the same person. It's probably just a prank."

"Does this look like a fucking joke to you? Pretty sick fucking prank don't you think?"

"Levi, stop. I'm just doing my job." Amit bristles, squaring his shoulders. He's uncomfortable but Levi is too scared to even be home alone. The officers can insist that the letter is a prank all they want. But what if it isn't? Is she supposed to accept death?

"No you're not and that's the problem. None of you are doing your jobs properly," she spits, months of unvoiced frustration boiling over. "There is a murderer out on the streets and you're all content to twiddle your fucking thumbs while bodies wash up on the beach. You won't give a shit until someone you love ends up dead. What if it was Patrice–"

His face drops. Him and her aunt broke things off a long time ago, but anyone with eyes could see the way that they look at each other.

"Stop. You're crossing the line," Officer Evans steps in, face uncharacteristically straight. "I know you're feeling a lot right now, Levi, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

She swallows, face growing hot with anger that she can barely restrain. She blinks slowly, taking a heated step backward toward the exit of the police department.

"I'll send someone out to be with you but that's all I can do," Amit promises, voice ragged. She must have pissed him off. A strange, bitter satisfaction swells in her chest.

"Right," she drawls, nodding sardonically. "If I end up dead, I hope this conversation haunts you with every breath you take."

The conversation is already haunting her instead. It has just repeated for the third time as an echo in her mind, her face in her hands, when a knock at the door to her trailer pierces the otherwise still air.

She stiffens, fingers automatically reaching for the steak knife at her side. Blinking away tears, she pulls the door open after looking through the peephole. Her heart drops to her toes but with unease, not fear.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Jarrod's eyes drop to the knife held in her unrelenting grip, jaw slackening. He shifts on his feet, putting his hands up in mock surrender. "Woah, don't stab me or anything. Amit sent me."

She suppresses a swear. Of all the people Amit could send, he chose Jarrod? She refuses to move, feet firmly planted in front of the door, her eyes in slits. "I'd rather be alone."

"We both know that's not true. I know you hate me, but I'm no monster Levi," he says so gently that it is almost believable. "I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you."

She swallows. Maybe it would be better than being by herself. The walls of the trailer constantly feel like they are closing in on her. Every shadow looks like a hooded man around a corner waiting to strike.

Silently, she steps aside, letting Jarrod in and closing the door behind him. He smiles but Levi does not return it. "I'm keeping the knife with me and you stay on the couch. If you try anything–"

He scowls at her, clearly offended as he sits on the sofa. "I already said that I won't."

"Well sorry that I have a hard time believing a drug addict, Jarrod," she hisses, an uneasy mixture of fear and anger swirling in her throat. She seats herself at the dining room table, laying the knife flat on its surface.

Jarrod glares at her, her words striking a nerve. "You don't get to be mad at me for the way I am. You just don't."

She scoffs, not able to even look at him for more than a few seconds at a time without disgust turning her stomach. "Yes I do."

He shifts so that his entire body is facing her, fists clenched tightly at his side. "No you fucking don't. Not when your piece of shit family is what made me this fucking way."

She recoils at the reminder of her broken family. He always knew what words to use as a weapon, how to manipulate her weaknesses. "What the hell are you talking about?"

He takes a shaky breath, leveling his sharp gaze on her. "Tyra. She's the reason I'm an addict, the reason I'm sick in the head."

Levi stands, feeling too vulnerable in the dining chair. "My mother? This isn't funny. Stop fucking around or I really won't forgive you this time."

He clicks his tongue, looking at her like she is dirt on his shoes. Every word feels like a slash on her skin. "Oh please Levi. You found mommy dearest in a pool of her own fucking vomit, watched her get arrested for possession and distribution. Is it that hard to believe that she would have sold to your boyfriend too?"

The dining table becomes a lifeline as she clutches onto it for support, knees going weak. She doesn't want to believe her own mother would have done something so low, to her own boyfriend at the time but no matter how she looks at it, it makes sense. Jarrod had been a decent person, definitely not perfect, but he never would have treated her like trash when he was sober.

It explains why her mother seemed so fond of him at the time, because he was lining her pockets. She raises her eyes to the ceiling, trying to prevent tears from spilling over.

She realizes a little too late that she had been secretly hoping that her mother would prove her wrong. In reality, she had been a worse parent, a worse person, than Levi ever knew. 

Don't fucking cry. Don't you dare cry.

"When?" she rasps, voice breaking.

"After three months of us dating. After Tommy moved cross country."

Tommy was Jarrod's older brother and easily the only positive influence in his life. After he moved away in pursuit of a job opportunity, Jarrod didn't take it well. Levi never knew that her own mother had exploited that vulnerability.

Hate puts a tight knot in her throat that will not unravel. She despises her. 

"Do you believe me now?"

Levi says nothing. Even if she wanted to, no words can leave her dry mouth. She flees to the bathroom, fighting a wave of dizziness and nausea. Everything is too much for her to take in. A murderer is breathing down her neck and her own mother doesn't give a shit about her. Probably never has.

She turns on the sink, splashing cold water in her face. She stares at the water as it swirls around the basin and down the drain. It doesn't do much to calm her mind but it helps hide the fact that she is seconds away from breaking down. Just barely.

When she returns to the living room, Jarrod is standing in front of the couch. He notices her questioning glare and sighs, pointing at the door with his thumb. "I'm going to just go. It's obvious you don't want me here."

"You're just now figuring that out?"

"Sure. Think what you want Levi," he shrugs with a shake of the head. It is unlike him to avoid an argument and Levi quickly grows suspicious by how he tries to leave without exchanging any harsh retorts.

She stares him down, nothing appearing too strange until she catches sight of the golden chain hanging out of the pocket of his jeans. The drawer to the end table next to the couch is open.

A bold step forward and she is blocking him from exiting the trailer. She stretches out an open palm. "Give me back my shit."

He stiffens, a brief expression of shock flashing over his features before he can mask it. "I don't know what you're talking about Levi."

His shoulder shoves her against the wooden paneling and before she can react, he is already outside of the trailer. Levi rushes after him, hastily walking towards his back. She remembers where that chain is from and she needs it back. Desperately.

"I'm not stupid Jarrod. There's a reason why you were always just the getaway driver," she growls out, directly behind him. "Give it back."

She pulls at his shoulder when he ignores her, only to be thrown off when he recklessly jerks his elbow backward. It catches her on the chin, teeth slamming down on her tongue so forcefully that she tastes iron. 

She tumbles to the ground, scratches her elbows on grit and pebbles. Her fall knocks the flamingo over, its leg bent at an odd angle.

Her breath goes shallow, trembling fingers going to touch a sore spot on her lip. A wince leaves her mouth as her fingertips come back stained a bright red. 

When Jarrod finally spins around, his face is void of any regret or sympathy like she had been expecting. Instead, he seems indifferent as her eyes water with tears. She holds them in even as her throat burns, not wanting to look as fragile as she feels.

"Fine. Take it." Jarrod throws the chain into the dirt, the golden ring attached to it glinting in the sunlight. "You've really gotten pathetic over the years Levi. It's sad to see."

As he turns away, no insults or arguments find their way to her mouth. She only watches with careful eyes as he leaves. Her guarded exterior has been completely shattered, revealing the vulnerable girl hidden underneath.

No matter how much Levi pretends otherwise, she is weak. And that could easily land her in a grave. 

Right next to Maya.   


Surprise! I updated twice today.  

I'm super excited for stuff coming up in the story so i'll probably be doing more double updates (maybe even triple?) when I get the chance because I can't stop thinking about some of the upcoming events and it's driving me a little crazy. 

Thanks for reading! 
