Stories by: Supernatural1806
23 stories
The romace of Tyler Kennendy and Carlos Reyes

this is a story that starts from high school and later at work some years later. I used a lot of time and love in to this fanfic so I hope you guys love it💗It has a lot of triggering stuff. tk has a lot of pain. it's self-harming and bad thoughts and bullying and abuse(between tk and a class mate) and some thoughts about suicide. so if any of that is triggering I don't think this fanfic is for you💗Tk is having a hard time at school and need someone. just someone and that one's comes eventully to save him out of the pain. they are there for each other through hard times

6K 12 88 Full
destiel abused

Dean get put in a farm for trouble kids after he gets in a fight again. he fast relises what the farm stands for. he meets a cute guy who didn't deserve to be there neither did he. they both wanna get out. how are they gonna do that? Will they both come out alive?this fanfiction has abuse as hitting and some mentions of rape. so if abuse as rape or hitting is triggering pls don't read it. it has some small NSFW not fully. i have warnings so don't worry if you don't wanna read that you can still read the fanfic:)

74 1 2 Full
Tarlos at hard times

This is my first Tarlos fanfic. This story goes up and down through there life. There relationship goes in ups and downs but in the end they stay strong together. They start up in a Rehab. Carlos doesn't speak at first but does when he feels safe with Tk. They steal each other heartsIn this story I have some kissing but warnings with NSFW and warning when it comes to the rape part. It's possible to skip. And pls do if it triggers you it's not worth reading if it hurts you💔

2.5K 3 19 Full
Lucas and Chrys

hi:) this is a story I made my self. I know chrystel is a girl name but I feel like I made it work. it was a task I got from writing class. this whole story starts when Lucas gets his stuff stolen. and he has to deal with being lost in big berlin all alone. but not fully as he accidentally walks in to the love of his life.Description of LucasLucas is 19 and has brown hair and brown eyes. He lived most of his life safely without much trouble. He was a sunshine kid and never did something wrong. He liked math and so explains him self as a math nerd. He lived in USA his whole life. To he decideds to visit somewhere new.Description of Chrystel Chrystel likes being called chrys. He is 19. He has short blond hair and blue eyes. He has blond eyebrows with a slit cut. He have had a ruff upbringing without any safe zone. No parents just foster care. He falls in to the streets of drugs. He feels fully hopeless to he accidentally meets the one who is gonna make his life better.

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tarlos addicted and missing love

This story is about tk and Carlos finding each other after so many years apart. But it comes with difficulties. Tk has a bad addiction opioid. He is deep in the need to remove his anxiety and stress with drugs. Feeling the pain ease. Carlos is trying to be him self but also have a better role in his job. But he really wants tk. But tk makes it really difficult. By denying Carlos because tk doesn't wanna put his problems on Carlos. It's also the deep feeling in him that liking Carlos is wrong. That it's a sin.(It's what he thinks not what's really real💗🏳️‍🌈)

800 3 11 Full
The hero rewriting

This story is about Dean Winchester saving people. I got this idea from a dream. Dean was put in the job to save people after his mom died. Just his dad knows that he is the hero. he starts losing everyone else as the job filds his life more and more. Sam hates him because he feels like Dean doesn't care about him. Cas is also distant. Dean has always had a big crush on Cas. But he believes Cas couldn't like him anyway, at least not now. his life is getting more misreabale by the time that passes. he just wants everything to end.this is a rewriting of the original but its so much better and has more stuff so its so worth reading:)

217 10 7 Full
Falling for a soccer player

For some people finding there person seems so far away. For Oliver it seemed unrealistically. How could someone love a person who doesn't want to be around the gender they are attracted to. He hates guys with his whole heart. He been bullied over his disability that makes him paralyzed from the waist down. But then an unexpected boy appear in his life as his caregiver. This boy is names Enzo. Enzo is Italian and is a soccer player. But he decided to take upon caregiving for Oliver as a side job. This makes a lot of conflict in both of there life's. Will they still end up together any ways of the difference between each other?(I didn't know when I names him Enzo that it's a soccer player who is called Enzo. I decided to have the soccer player as the cover photo. So if you like the soccer player I don't mind you imagining it's him:) )(This story is all my idea. Pls give me feed back on what you think about the romantic story:))

8 4 1 Full
Destiel gay love in the war and  1945-1967

This story is about one British boy and one German boy. this story is about Castiel running away from some bad guys and ended up in a boat that sailed to England. (I know the distance doesn't make sense just pretend it does;) ) He gets wounded and ends up relying on a British boy names Dean to survive. the two boys start feeling attraction and is forced to be quiet because of the time they live in. so many things happen. John finds out about Dean being gay. Cas gets sent away from dean. what can they do? will they be able to find each other again? will they stay together?

1 1 0 Full
hunden i mørket

This story is in Norwegian because I was able to have that task in school.Hunden i mørket er en myte om djevelens hund som forfølger sine ofre. Skremmer dem, hjemsøker dem og dreper dem sakte, men smertefullt. Myten sier at hunden kommer når din tid er omme. Når din sjel skal bli hentet. Den som blir forfulgt er den eneste som kan høre ulingen, og den skarpe bjeffingen som skjærer i ørene dine.

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destiel world of andriod and hunting monsters

This story is about Cas being an andriod and Dean and cad falling in love and trying to be with each other. Anyways of what cas is. Dean and Sam are hunters and dean gets taken away from Cas when he is a kid buy they meet up later. Dean saves cas and they try and find there life again together. Jack also comes in the story as a son role also an andriod.This is a old story I just went through so I could post it:) I hope you guys like it:)

15 3 1 Full
Destiel soccer

This is a story about Dean being a soccer player. He hasn't come out yet so dating is hard for him. He found Cas on a dating app and fell for him hard. Cas says he will leave him if he doesn't tell him who he really is. It's hard for Dean and it effects how he plays. He is totally heartbroken and want Cas. What will he do? offer his career or drop CasCover made by @applepiesandtanthigs on insta:)

119 8 5 Full
Destiel after leviathan gets free

This is start when Cas leaves the abandon building and walks in to the water. This is a different version. Dean saves Cas before he dies and Cas becomes human. Emotions become a lot for Cas. He suffers from it. It's overwhelming having so many feelings for Dean and not thinking he wants him. It has mpreg. Its Cas that gets pregnant. Bobby doesn't die and they don't go to purgatoryIn the last two chapters it's Sam Winchester finding someone:)

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Destiel high school kidney

This is a Destiel story. Dean have a big crush on Cas. He have had it for a while. He have given up on thinking Cas likes him back. He tries to get over him. Dean thinks Cas thinks he is annoying and Cas ignores him as a answer for what Dean thinks. Mary and John have divorced. John comes home drunk after a week waisting him self again.

164 8 15 Full
Destiel Paralyzed

Dean's POV I had a good life with Cas. We kept hunting sometimes to Emily came to our life. She is my and Cas daughter. She means so much to me. I am nothing without them. I felt so happy I never wanted it to end. Emily was 15 when some girls told Cas I hooked up with them. He was heartbroken by it. He didn't believe that I didn't do it. Cas threw me out. Emily was hurt too. I drove away. The tears went down. It started to get blurry. I closed my eyes for a second and then I opened them. I was on the wrong line. A big triller came towards me. I tried to drive to the other side but it was to late. I crashed in to it. Everything went black.

1.4K 14 16 Full
Destiel mental hospital

This is a Destiel story. It's about Dean going in to a mental hospital after trying to kill him self. And after a year Cas comes as worker to help Him. Cas is a therapist and he wanted to help people that need it. He have heard that people in mental hospital sometimes gets bad treated. He wanted to help people so they could come on there feet's again. And have a happy life. Dean tried to kill him self after his dad throw him out of the house, because he is gay. His dad said a lot of stuff that hurt him. He thought Sam felt the same way. He went to a motel and tried to kill him self by cutting his wrists. The staff at the motel was worried, because he did seem okay. They called the police after Dean didn't answer the door. That's what saved him. After coming to the mental hospital it got worse. He stopped trusting people. Afraid of getting judged for who he was. It have some Sabriel. Hope you guys like it:)💗

892 7 34 Full
Destiel prison memory loss and Sabriel rehab

This story is about Cas losing his memory after getting almost killed and Dean being accused of it. Dean walked into the scene. He went to Cas. He was still awake at the time but he blacked out slowly after. The cops came in a little after. They accused him of doing it. He went to jail for 3 years. Cas doesn't remember anything. He doesn't know who Dean is. Gabriel didn't want him to know anything. Because they think Dean did it and that he just tricked Cas because he is gay. The story goes in after he has been in jail. Its also Sabriel in the story. It says when it starts if you dont wanna read it or thats what you want to read:) Hope you guys like it💗

596 13 21 Full
destiel short story detroit become human

this is just a short love story with Dean and Cas. its an old story I just went over. it's short but still good:)ita about Cas being an andriod and falling for dean. Dean hates andriod and its how they deal with that and a little more:)

9 1 0 Full
destiel guardian Angel

this is a story about Dean falling for the one he is a guardian angel over. Cas gets badly hurt and can't see Dean. and doesn't know he is the guy who was stalking him. they fall in love hard. What will he do when Cas will finds out?The whole fanfic is in one:)

11 1 1 Full
The hero Dean Winchester

This story is about Dean saving people. I got this idea from a dream. Dean is the hero and nobody knows, just his Dad. Sam hates him, because he thinks he doesn't want to spend time with him. Some of the fault is on Sam's friend. He does it on purpose. His name is David. Cas is Sam's friend he is a cop. He was friends with Dean then they where younger. He really wants to find out who the hero is. It's no supernatural stuff in it just humans. The dream was a while ago but I thought I should try to write it:) hope you like it💗

113 5 10 Full
Father and daughter Destiel

This is about Dean and his daughter and more. Its based on my other story just many years later. The based story is called destiel highschool. Dean and his daughter has an argument. And Dean gets in a bad car accident. It's a short story. It has self harm and suicidal thoughts. If it's hard for you to read stuff like that pls don't read this. Hope you guys like it💗

453 5 20 Full
Destiel High School some Sabriel

John and chuck where really good friends back in the day but there relationship went down then a new friend and girl came in and broke there relationship piece by piece. They both didn't like John or chuck. The girl became chuck's girlfriend and the boy became chuck's friend. After 3 months of there relationship the boy and girl made out. The boy said he saw John make out with her. The boy and the girl lied to him and broke John and chuck's relationship. Chuck was to broken to talk to John and stopped talking to him. John never found out why his friend just left him.It contains self harm in one part I will have a warning same with the nsfw stuff too. The nsfw part is up now💗it me drawing in the book photo💗hope you guys like the story💗

194 9 11 Full
The Human and The Angel

The humans live on one side and the angels live on the other side. They don't like each other. It's a long ditch that divide them. The ditch is 25 meters wide and really long. It's without water. Cas and Dean meat then they where 7. They love each other, but because of the situation they are in they can't be together without hiding. This is short Destiel story. Hope you guys like it💗

21 2 4 Full
Cop Destiel

This is about Dean and Cas. Dean and Cas was in a relationship in high school. They where really in love. But then Cas got hurt and Everyone blamed it on Dean. And he blamed him self. He left Cas because he thought Cas would be better without him. Cas always thought it wasn't Dean's fault. I know he didn't let them get away with it. Cas was beaten badly up by some guys at Dean's football team. They didn't like Cas. They where bullies.Dean started to work as a cop under his dad. That was the boss. He told him self not to tell anyone that he liked boys. Cas was his first love and the only as he told him self. He told him self he will never have Cas but he couldn't get him self to find anyone else. He was the cop everyone was looking up to. He had the record of being a really good cop. He took down bad guys really good. But it was two side of it. Some people didn't like him. His personality at work was fearless. He showed no emotions.They meet each other again at the station because Cas was starting as a cop there.

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