Stories by: RobinplaysTrumpet15
8 stories
Merry Christmas, Sam and Brandon

Christmas was right around the corner, but before anyone could enjoy that time of school-free bliss, there were exams to get through. The break would be welcome, especially to two hard-working teens who were having trouble finding time to spend together.

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Don't Be Mad

No one expected a sudden storm to be this bad. Well, it was. It knocked out Brandon's power, leaving him and Sam to find other ways of entertaining themselves. But when his mom catches them, will they be paying the price?

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Take it or Leave it

He didn't think she would react this way. Who would have seen it coming? Sam supposed he couldn't blame her, but still...her reaction hurt him more than he cared to admit.

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Video Games

Sam and Brandon have game night every Saturday. And every Saturday, Brandon loses. This time, he was determined to win.

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Homecoming 2k15

Homecoming. The time of the year when boys started planning cute ways to ask out girls, and the girls constantly whispered to each other about boys they wanted to be asked out by and who they thought would ask them out.And Brandon was totally over it. Well, almost.

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Never Letting Go

Up on that bridge, everything was silent. Even though the storm raged around him, there was no sound. Not to Dick. It was completely and utterly silent, just like every other day, and he just couldn't take it anymore.

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A Past I Couldn't Have Known

When Alexandreina Ghita (Alex for short) was little, she had an imaginary friend. Or, what she thought to be an imaginary friend. Mihai would visit every night and tell her the same story. Alex never could remember what happened in the story, but she did remember one part of the story: the ending. The little boy would die. The more Alex heard the story, the more Mihai looked like the little boy. Could Mihai really be Alexandreina's old imaginary friend? Or is he something much scarier?

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Say We'll Be Okay

Rewrite of Tragedy In The Band Room. During a performance, gunshots ring through the football stadium. Two band members are gone, and the rest must grieve and push on without them. But maybe not all of them are able to...

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