Stories by: Pheonix678
15 stories
The Forgotten Son

a twist in the Ninjago and Legend of Zelda fandom you didn't see coming

266 9 3

I read the so-called Avengers and Yugioh crossover I was not happy. So this is my take on the crossover. Takes place during the original Yugioh series just a few days after Battle City and four weeks before the Atlantis side arc.

93 3 6
A Heroes Job

Link Littlecreek wasn't at all like her predecessors. For starters, she wasn't Hylian nor was she a male even worse she isn't even from Hyrule. She was a human from Earth and a teenage female Lakota. She'd been forced into the roles her predecessors had been by the age of four and continued to do her job for thirteen years.She'd joined the Avengers and the Justice League since she was from the Combination universe and to make things even worse she was a Mutant with powers similar to Captain Marvel, but more fine-tuned. And then there was the secret of the So when a black portal opened up while she was on patrol in Gotham covering for Batman she didn't know what to think especially once it pulled her through and she came face to face with her predecessors.

1K 35 13
Show Yourself (And Other Fics)

This is a one (possibly two) shot song fic using the soulmate au with Terry and Marinette. Enjoy .

20.6K 40 464 Full
Miraculous Beyond (A Batman Beyond x Miraculous Ladybug fanfic)

Marinette has finally had enough the bullying, the lies, and of false friends. So she moves to Neo Gotham with the permission of her parents, who at first were reluctant to let their daughter move to sch a city till word had gotten out that after forty years a new Batman has taken up the cowl. Marinette leaves for a new city a clean slate with her designing studio and the miraculous box having already taken the Cat Miraculous from an unworthy Adrien and placing Hawkmoth and Mayura in jail once and for all. Now Meet Terry McGinnis who's defenately gotten the short end of the stick in life in general. His father died just a few months ago, his relationship with Dana is on the fritz, and to add to it all he's currently the Batman/ the personal assistant of an elderly Bruce Wayne.Will meeting each other be just what Terry and Marinette need for the rough times to come? Or will it be the worst mistake in history?

33.5K 18 657 Full
One of the First

Everyone always does a story where someone from the DC universe is in the Marvel universe so I thought why not flip the script. Takes place after the events of Enemy Below part two in the Original Justice League animated show. On their way back to Atlantis with Arthur. Superman picks up a heartbeat that wasn't anyone of the league or the atlantians. He breaks away to find the source of the heartbeat only to find one of the First Heroes frozen in the ice- Captain America.

22K 18 399
Linked Avengers

During dinner, one night Sky asks Twilight about something that has been bugging him since the day they met one another Fi had called him the hero of twilight and Avenger. This catches the attention of the other heroes as well who are also curious about that second title, ie Warrior and Wild because history never revealed as to why he was given the last title.....Knowing that he's not going to get out of it Twilight began to tell them the story behind his mysterious title of Avenger. I own nothing.

790 19 24

What if the world's of Marvel and DC were combined into on. What if on that fateful night Batman never could find the remains of Jason Todd? What if a certain bowman found and rescued Jason from his more than likely doom setting Jason Todd on a different path the one that lead to the Avengers.

479 5 6

Hey everyone after the smashing success that my book one of the first seems to have. I decided to try this with another earth but in the same universe, but with a twist. This is a Captain America x DC NEW 52 . I own nothing all rights go to their proper owners.What if during the return of the Infinity stones, something happens to Captain America's suit. Instead of taking him back to the future the suit messes up and send him farther into the future than it was suppose to. There he meets the newest team in the Line of heroes...... The Justice League in the year 2104. Luck sadly just doesn't seem to be on Steve's side especially when they mistake him for a Legionnaire of whom ever Darkseid is.

342 3 15

After over forty years the Phantom thief Dark has returned. Once word spreads, every detective and their mother wants a turn to capture the thief, including the Justice League. But when it is announced to the league everyone who dabbles in magic is not on board with the idea with capturing the thief. But an incident involving Superman, Batman, Dark, and the art piece known as Death of All. Makes the league second guess their opinions about the thief.

194 3 3

Chris Starhorse or rather her alter ego Strider was force to aid the Justice League with Darkseid. Two months later she's tracked down by the bat during a mission to officially join their group. Problem she doesn't want or wish to join a team of any sorts. She knows she's special and is quite happy to remain unknown for the rest of time since she already has duties to a group of individuals called The White Company which has come a long way since the time of Arragorn.I only own Chris Star horse all other rights go to their proper owners.

127 5 2
Project New Flag

It's been a year since Captain America was lost to the frozen artic. So what does SHIELD do they start up a way to create a new Captain America but all the embryos failed till they found the frozen remains of an alien humanoid female. Using her one usable egg that she has left they are finally successful. A little girl is born in the year 1951 August 1st. For a year she is kept under observation by Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. As it turns out she got a few things from what they assume is from her mother: manipulation of the forces of the universe and nature, healing, and multiple kinds of vision. And yes she even got her father's abilities as well. But one year into her life she was taken by HYDRA and put on ice till the year 2000. She was then given the name Chris Evelyn Rodgers. This is her story of her time with SHIELD.

604 11 8
The Batfamily Idol

What if just mere weeks after Tenn left Riku and his family behind, something happened. Riku being sold off by his own parents to human traffickers. He was beaten and bruised, but he learned to fight to defend himself and the other children with him as well along the way getting over his weakened breathing. After being bumped around a lot from country to country for over two years he's freed by the infamous batfamily and taken in by Bruce Wayne (This is before Damian joins the family, but after Tim joins the family). After a lot of convincing Bruce let's him become apart of the family to help out people so no one else ever ends up like him. He took the mantle of Nightflare and helped Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian clean up Gotham and Bludhaven. But deciding to get back in touch with his Japanese roots he returns and is brought into the life of an idol after much further debate with Bruce on the condition that no one will find out he's a Wayne and a bat. But now some people have come to Japan and this may put a dent in the promise Riku made to Bruce.I own nothing all rights go to their proper owners.

4.8K 10 79
Maribat ships

Okay so everyone's been talking about marinette being with one of the bat family in some shape or form of a relationship. here I'm gonna voice my opinions about each member and what I think there relationship will be like. you can agree or disagree with me on this even add your own opinion if you so desire. And yes I do mean all members of the bat family.

7.3K 9 151 Full
Daminette poll

what it sounds like. But please only vote or comment if you like the Daminette ship. Thank you.

719 1 106 Full