Stories by: Erin144000
5 stories
Insane like me?

Insanityɪnˈsanəti/nounthe state of being seriously mentally ill; madness."he suffered from bouts of insanity"synonyms: mental illness, mental disorder, mental derangement, madness, insaneness, dementia, dementedness, lunacy, instability, unsoundness of mind, loss of reason; Each day the one and only Dick Grayson deals with insanity.Can Bruce save him, or is it much to late?

1.5K 2 90
The Final circus trick

After 4 years stuck being deathstrokes apprentice Renegade finally decides enough is enough and runs away. But what happens when a certain bat finds him? What happens when he is forced to join a certain team of young superheroes? And what will happen when deathstroke tracks down his missing apprentice? First fanfic hope you like! I don't own ANYTHING DC!!!!!

139.6K 21 4.1K
Marvel Vs Geek

Sequel to DC vs Geek!Erin goes and says a hello to to marvel universe leading to a lot of stupid situations and funny conversations.This time however what happens when she accidentally started a intergalactic war.Will she be able to save Marvel?Will she ever make it back home in time for comic con?Will she ever stop fangirling?Find out in Marvel vs Geek!Wow that was dramatic!Once again I own nothing so please don't sue me!!! ????✌?️

4.9K 5 256
Writing prompts

Book of random one shots! Feel free to continue any of them. Most are from pintrest!

256 8 16
DC vs Geek

When a crazy, clumsy girl gets thrown into the delightful world of DC she gets into a whole lot of trouble with not only the the bad guys but also the entire justice league!Will she ever get back home or will she be stuck fan-girling over heros for the rest of her life?I don't own DC or any thing! Well except from the plot and charters. Wait what day is it? Dang it I went of topic again. Anyway..... ON WITH THE BOOK!!!

49.4K 18 1.8K Full