Stories by: Bex_in_Oz
9 stories
Sisters- come find me sequel

It's been a year since the birth of Regina and Robin's children, Amelia and Isabella and Regina and Zelena are extremely close. But when Zelena starts keeping a secret from Regina, will they be able to keep their sisterly bond, or will it all come crashing down? The story is better and more accurate than this; I don't know really how to explain it without giving anything away! Enjoy 

23.1K 126 942 Full
True love

When Marian returns from the dead and Robin and Regina's relationship is torn apart and Regina is left to deal with a surprise, unplanned situation alone, will they be able to stay together or will they lose each other forever?

14.3K 27 396 Full
Happy endings

Emma sacrifices herself to become the dark one so that Regina can get her happy ending. In an attempt to rescue her, the Storybrooke crew head to the Enchanted Forest. But they find that Emma isn't the one that they have to worry about....

1.1K 6 35 Full
Baby in an elevator- OQ Baby Fanfic

Zelena and Regina have a blazing argument and get trapped in an elevator. Regina goes into labour, will the sister's be able to make up with one another?

1.9K 4 28 Full
The Wedding- OutlawQueen Baby

Regina goes into labour on Emma's wedding day

2.6K 4 33 Full
Searching- the Bond of Love sequel

One year after the birth of Robin and Regina's daughter Sophia, everyone's happy. There's been no trouble and everyone resumed their normal lives. But when a strange girl starts appearing everywhere Robin goes Robin starts to assume it's his long lost daughter and becomes desperate to find her. Will Robin and Regina's relationship stay strong or will it crumble down? I'm really sorry about the awful synopsis, the stories better than this I promise!Enjoy!

22.4K 118 879 Full
Surprise Baby- OutlawQueen baby Fanfiction

Set at the end of Season Three when Marian comes back (not as Zelena). Regina gets a shock that she doesn't find out about until the last minute. Will it bring Robin back to her?

9.6K 7 187 Full
The bond of love

After saving Emma from the darkness, everyone in Storybrooke goes back to the Enchanted forest. Zelena gives birth three days after they arrive but refuses to let Robin see his child. Three years on Regina becomes pregnant with Robin's child (not long after the birth of Emma and Hook's daughter Mia). She's terrified to tell Robin she's pregnant so she keeps it a secret until she can no longer. Will Robin want the baby? Will their strong bond of love be able to get them to raise a child?The story does go further than the information on the synopsis but I don't want to give too much away, enjoy!

80.5K 255 2.6K
Come find me

Robin leaves for New York with Marian and Roland, leaving Regina by herself. But Robin left a gift behind for Regina, a gift that wasn’t expected. She needs Robin more than ever, but she can’t have him. Surprisingly, Zelena steps in and agrees to help her with what Robin left behind. Nine months pass and in that time the queens of Darkness come to town, causing endless trouble and causing a threat to Regina. Will she be able to deal with what she’s going through alone? Will Robin return? Enjoy, the story is better than what is on the synopsis! I don’t want to give loads away!

81K 236 2.2K